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[Kickstart] Rimworld - Another building/survival sim (Dwarf Fortress meets Firefly?)

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11 years ago
Oct 3, 2013, 9:11:00 PM
Spotted this project that is already as good as funded with a month left - Thought some of the other builders here on the forum would find it interesting smiley: redface


Basic premise is similar to Dwarf Fortress (From what I can tell). You start out with a few colonists that make an (emergency?) landing on an uninhabited planet - build up basic survival measures and expand into agricultural and longterm projects. The game also features an AI Director (Ala. Left for Dead) that will try to cook up random events that are relevant, interesting (and challenging? lol) to your current situation.

Edit: Here's a quick prototype demo video for those who want to see how it actually plays : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fM2Kn8aJlo

Edit: And here's another one that is similar - Terminus. Earth is doomed. Last ditch effort to evacuate a colony ship aimed at the best bet for humanity. (Less gameplay demonstration though)

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11 years ago
Oct 3, 2013, 10:05:44 PM
I was thinking of backing Rimworld - but as it seems, there are a lot of other people looking for this game too smiley: biggrin

Terminus seems nice, but a bit boring.
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11 years ago
Oct 4, 2013, 8:21:31 AM
Mansen wrote:
Neat - Already reached the kickstarter goal smiley: smile

Yes, last night the had it almost smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Oct 5, 2013, 9:38:34 AM
Divine_Moments_of_Truth wrote:
That's Prison Architect in space.

The dude is talking about changing the art style. I can't see how that would be necessary.

Personally me either - I love the style and the guy is actually good friends with the PA artist. But hopefully he'll be able to strike a balance between "copy" and "heavily inspired". Like he said on his forum, It's hard to make them all that different when you're dealing with Top-Down sprites. Not a lot of wiggle room.
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11 years ago
Oct 5, 2013, 9:57:54 AM
Well, that art is OK for me too.. smiley: biggrin

Well, Mansen, the balance between "copy" and "heavily inspired" is hard to find. and many people might even misunderstand it.
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11 years ago
Oct 5, 2013, 1:58:59 PM
I always considered Prison Architect to have too narrow of a focus to be enjoyable. So its graphics+better game play means I am going to buy this as soon as it comes out smiley: cool
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11 years ago
Oct 25, 2013, 3:04:39 PM
10X funding is well deserved for Rimworld in my opinion. I can't even stop watching peoples' lets' plays of it lol

It almost like what the story of an ES colony ship would be like.
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