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Riddle me this

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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 12:24:15 PM
Well, I'm sorry for the late reply, I have been rather busy - to make things not extra complicated: yes, "Moon" is a valid answer smiley: stickouttongue

Ps: a new one:

What has kept me occupied for the last weeks?
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 1:51:10 PM
obviously demons

or girlfriend actually same thing.
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11 years ago
Jan 20, 2014, 10:19:24 AM
I already see that the opinions differ, all of them were quite nice, but haven't hit the spot yet.

- Ps.: This isn't a real riddle, I just wanna see some funny guesses! smiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Jan 20, 2014, 11:28:01 AM
Nope, first guess going entirely in the wrong direction (I wish I had had more time for them, but no..)
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11 years ago
Jan 20, 2014, 9:57:58 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Nope, first guess going entirely in the wrong direction (I wish I had had more time for them, but no..)

U wish tu have more time for your demons?

another guess

Preparations for your Exams
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11 years ago
Jan 20, 2014, 10:42:49 PM
Exams was a close call - GF is always related, occupied or not. Demons too. No timemachine, unfortunately.

Want the solution yet? Or keep guessing?
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11 years ago
Jan 21, 2014, 3:05:47 PM
You want wild guesses?

Doctoral examinations (oral, hemorrhal, dental, lingual, manual, ...al of any variety)

Written exams, trying to not think about exams, examining old exams to write your new ones that were probably mixed copies of old ones, general exam stress before and or after exams, disputation, cross examination in front of a court or even worse, your girlfriend and stepmother. (That might even be demonic)
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11 years ago
Jan 21, 2014, 4:22:51 PM
@ Tredecim : you had some kinky games with your Significant Other but he/she managed to lose the keys of the fluffy handcuffs, since then, well.... smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Jan 21, 2014, 4:25:59 PM
Sharidann wrote:
@ Tredecim : you had some kinky games with your Significant Other but he/she managed to lose the keys of the fluffy handcuffs, since then, well.... smiley: biggrin

Objection: How is he typing, then? With his tongue? With his toes? One finger at a time? Seems stressful. smiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 12:38:33 AM
Google Winter of Code! :P

but seriously, some kind of flash coding marathon/coding contest of some sort?
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 6:52:22 AM
Thank you guys for the laughts, the guesses are great. - No i'm not handcuffed, my significant other = girlfriend hasn't tried in any way to murder me or anything.

I simply chose to take the next step so that "normal" society may think i'm insane - I went and built my own Gentoo kernel (soooooooooooo many options D: ) lol

But well, after some hours of compiling and much more time spent in the options, I present: my own Kernel: 50mb RAM useage, 2mb the size of the .config; can't get much smaller and still support everything what may be important.
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 2:17:10 PM
I can now see a system administrator Tredecim before me...

Don't worry. Once you have that title, you won't care about others believing you to be insane, anymore. smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 7:46:19 PM
Well thanks for this.. reassuring speech lol

A, B, C and D live together.

One day A and B go out, leaving C and D back.

When they came back, there are glass shards and liquids on the floor and C is found dead.

A and B know that D killed C and how D did it, but they don't report D for it.

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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 8:19:00 PM
A and B are the human owners

C is a fish

D is a cat

Or some variety of aquatic pet + predator pet.
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 8:21:06 PM
Zinsho wrote:
A and B are the human owners

C is a fish

D is a cat

Or some variety of aquatic pet + predator pet.
Has to be something along these lines, I agree

(now there is one I get, and someone beats me to answering smiley: stickouttongue )
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11 years ago
Jan 23, 2014, 2:20:29 AM
D got drunk and smashed a bottle on C's head, causing lacerations, a severe brain injury, and death. D then killed A and B so they can't call the police because they're dead... Yeah, I think the goldfish thing is more likely.
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11 years ago
Jan 23, 2014, 9:28:47 AM
T41 wrote:
D got drunk and smashed a bottle on C's head, causing lacerations, a severe brain injury, and death. D then killed A and B so they can't call the police because they're dead... Yeah, I think the goldfish thing is more likely.

I must admit, the goldfish / cat one is the "standard" one, but I like this one more! smiley: biggrin
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