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Riddle me this

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11 years ago
Jul 28, 2013, 5:04:01 PM
T41 wrote:
No it's one of those "think outside the box" kind

Hmm, it's somehow too vague for me :/
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11 years ago
Jul 28, 2013, 5:31:35 PM
Ca_Putt wrote:

four + five

Yeah, I have been thinking about this too - but then why would we need 2 + 3 then ? ( 2+3 = 5; part of "4 + 5"; would be the 4 numbers 2,3,4 & 5...).

Wel, I guess I'm really thinking too complex again, my handicap. lol
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11 years ago
Jul 28, 2013, 7:47:37 PM
Yes, the answer was nine. I over thought it the first time I heard it too (but not that much Oo)
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11 years ago
Jul 28, 2013, 9:10:40 PM
T41 wrote:
Yes, the answer was nine. I over thought it the first time I heard it too (but not that much Oo)

That's a mean one - it starts with and IF and basically you can throw the entire IF sentence away and just add 2 numbers to get the answer. The coder in me is upset by the misuse of IF lol
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11 years ago
Jul 29, 2013, 2:39:29 AM
Tredecim wrote:
That's a mean one - it starts with and IF and basically you can throw the entire IF sentence away and just add 2 numbers to get the answer. The coder in me is upset by the misuse of IF lol

Yes 'if' in math is usually an equation: 2=company and 3= crowd find the value of 4 and 5 smiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Jul 29, 2013, 9:24:27 AM
T41 wrote:
Yes 'if' in math is usually an equation: 2=company and 3= crowd find the value of 4 and 5 smiley: stickouttongue

That's right too.

*looks for new riddles*
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11 years ago
Jul 29, 2013, 10:12:53 AM
I was thinking about " a doublecrowd and a crowdcompany" but that just seemed to silly
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11 years ago
Jul 29, 2013, 5:01:15 PM
This riddle is from one of my all-time favorite books

My first is in day but never in night,

My second's in dark but unseen in light;

My middle's a twin in daughter, not son,

While the fifth's not in two, but in three and one;

The final's in first, not middle or last,

And my whole is in sheath; got an Elastoplast?
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11 years ago
Jul 29, 2013, 5:19:23 PM
Well I am thinking its a letter comparison but I can't get it.
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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 12:57:27 AM
Vicarious wrote:
This riddle is from one of my all-time favorite books

My first is in day but never in night,

My second's in dark but unseen in light;

My middle's a twin in daughter, not son,

While the fifth's not in two, but in three and one;

The final's in first, not middle or last,

And my whole is in sheath; got an Elastoplast?

Ah, that's a good one. Took some work, but I got it.

A dagger.
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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 3:15:20 AM
omicron52 wrote:
riddle me this...

No man wants one but no man wants to lose one...

it's a job!!!!!!!!!
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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 8:03:12 AM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Ah, that's a good one. Took some work, but I got it.

A dagger.

How and why? I feel stupid lol

T41 wrote:
it's a job!!!!!!!!!

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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 3:42:17 PM
@ Tred

I can only guess, how hard it was to solve that riddle. The answer follows the riddle in the text, so you have no chance to solve it on your own when you read the book.

My first is in day but never in night,

My second's in dark but unseen in light;

My middle's a twin in daughter, not son,

While the fifth's not in two, but in three and one;

The final's in first, not middle or last,

And my whole is in sheath; got an Elastoplast?

Nevir mind that its just the fukin dirk talkin; the ansers daggir bye the way; just that the stupit thing canny spel write. Bludy daft wee hi-pitched voyce its got too, reely gets on ma nerves sumtimes, but the things cum in handy on a few okayzhins; it can see in the dark an tel whose frend and fowe an a coupil of times ahl sware its jumpt rite out of ma hands an flown like a bird intae sum basturts throat that was givin me a hard time. Usefyule gadjet.

"The Bridge", Iain Banks
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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 6:55:47 PM
I was about to ask what book that was from. I'll have to check it out...But yeah, I bet that was a pain reading and having to figure out on your own, if the book didn't provide it right away.
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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 9:21:42 PM
T41 wrote:
"What Euros think of Americans" smiley: stickouttongue

Actually, that you have no nonsweet bread variants with a crust. At least Vancouver was spot-on confirming that prejudice, if I interpret that as all north-American people. smiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Jul 31, 2013, 10:59:17 PM
Vicarious wrote:
@ Tred

I can only guess, how hard it was to solve that riddle. The answer follows the riddle in the text, so you have no chance to solve it on your own when you read the book.

Oh wow, thanks - that's a clever one. Didn't know there was a book. But the last line with an sheath reminded me of some kind of "sharp" weapon, well...

T41 wrote:
"What Euros think of Americans" smiley: stickouttongue

Let the discussions begin! lol *sits back and munches Popcorn*
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