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There's girls on the internets?!

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10 years ago
Jun 15, 2014, 6:38:46 PM
I just had to share this with you guys. While I will freely admit that I use pics of myself to gain an edge on certain things on the internet (hey, I have boobs and a vag, may as well use them!), this guy got soooo mad thinking that I was faking. :P

So what do you think of guys always thinking that a "girl" is faking, when in fact she is a real girl? Just an immature guy, or was he trying to troll me? I have a feeling he wasn't trying to troll, that he was serious. ><

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10 years ago
Jun 16, 2014, 2:02:47 PM
Well.. it is something some Internet-men consider an interesting 'experiment', pretending to be female. So you've got to understand the skepticism that this brings to other users.
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10 years ago
Jun 16, 2014, 3:54:26 PM
Basically there's usually no way of telling if anyone is who he/she claims to be on the internet and as such, there are a lot of skeptic people around. If someone on the internet says "Hey, I'm a programmer from Morocco" (just a random example) then other people have to chose whether they believe that or not but they'll likely never know for sure if that other person isn't lying.

The thing with girls is a bit different - many people assume that "there are no gurlz on teh internetz" and since there also are some men pretending to be women on the internet (and the other way around) it's really not surprising that not everyone is willing to believe you when you say that you're a girl and they'll refuse to acknowledge that fact unless they hear your voice in-game via VoIP, via teamspeak or anything else along those lines.

Personally, I just assume that nobody is a liar until proven otherwise. Except when I do business but that's another story smiley: stickouttongue
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10 years ago
Jun 17, 2014, 2:56:00 AM
Basically there's usually no way of telling if anyone is who he/she claims to be on the internet and as such, there are a lot of skeptic people around. If someone on the internet says "Hey, I'm a programmer from Morocco" (just a random example) then other people have to chose whether they believe that or not but they'll likely never know for sure if that other person isn't lying.

The thing with girls is a bit different - many people assume that "there are no gurlz on teh internetz" and since there also are some men pretending to be women on the internet (and the other way around) it's really not surprising that not everyone is willing to believe you when you say that you're a girl and they'll refuse to acknowledge that fact unless they hear your voice in-game via VoIP, via teamspeak or anything else along those lines.

Personally, I just assume that nobody is a liar until proven otherwise. Except when I do business but that's another story smiley: stickouttongue

Exactly, unless someone acts suspicious, I just believe them.

And you total know us females use it to our advantages sometimes, so that's nothing suspicious. :P
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