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How long a domain name should!

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10 years ago
Jun 17, 2014, 7:38:50 PM
I want to know about the domain name range. How long a domain could be! The shortest name is the one alphabet and letter. How long we can proceed the name of domain, i mean how many characters could be there in a domain name.

free web domain
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10 years ago
Jun 23, 2014, 3:44:21 PM
Ashley wrote:
I want to know about the domain name range. How long a domain could be! The shortest name is the one alphabet and letter. How long we can proceed the name of domain, i mean how many characters could be there in a domain name.

Really depends... its branding vs SEO in that case.

You want to go for branding, then make it short and easy to remember. You want to go for SEO, then pack it with keywords. Just dont go for buy-legit-brad-viagra-here.com please smiley: biggrin
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