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12 years ago
Mar 7, 2013, 9:47:19 PM
9/10 i have found a person with an beautiful taste in music this is truly an honer sovereign. but my favorite of them all is the reign of septims. it is Emperial and strong.

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12 years ago
Mar 7, 2013, 10:03:17 PM
8/10 smiley: wink

The Honor is mine my friend!

Let us see if u and the other appreciate some old fashioned austrian music

Falco...overhere in Germany and Austria this man is a Legend (R.I.P)

Falco - Mutter,der Mann mit dem Koks ist da (Mother, the man with the cokes is there)

Remember its from 1995 and still awesome!

Translation into English:

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12 years ago
Mar 7, 2013, 10:07:53 PM
10/10 - I like where this is going to smiley: biggrin

New people, new great music - great great!

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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 12:48:23 AM
7/10 not my normal music taste but i like it and i always was kind of a fan of Will.i.am

; D to had something from Skyrim too here a wonderfull version of the english version of *The Dragon Born comes*

iam falling in love with that baeutyful woman everytime i hear it.

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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 11:54:01 PM
7/10 some parts are not mine but the rest is very good.

One of my somehting special passions is music from the american Civil War ;D

Enjoy u maybe know this Songs from Movies like ANTS or of Course the well known Die Hard movies, from several series or advertisments.

There are many version of this Song even during the War both sides were singing it this is one of the version of the Union.

Sadly the video with the cool Battle Scenes from the movie *Black Mountain* was removed -.-

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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 10:14:50 AM
I indeed only knew the ending; but the rest isn't bad either. But actually I don't really like this type of music that much. 6/10

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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 1:54:32 PM
6/10 some parts are cool but its somekind of wierd and i dont get why the song is called *Nazis*^^

Okay...everyone with a good taste in TV Series have heared this song...during and also in the closing credits of episode 9 of Season 2.

10/10...everything else is just a lie! even my Mother likes this song.

Hear me Rour!

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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 6:21:05 PM
oh... nope not my thing. 33/100 I do like game of thrones though!

lol - lol
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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 12:26:28 AM

Here to bring some culture to you bunch of amoebas ^^

The Original from Gilbert & Sullivan

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