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Coastal Focus Culture Chain (Olmec > Mayans > Norse > Joseon)

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4 years ago
Dec 14, 2020, 4:55:01 AM
(All stats in this post are from the Stadia OpenDev) (Lake bonuses are omitted for the sake of brevity)

First, I picked from the 3 cultures with a special harbor EQ (emblematic quarter) (since you can only build one a tile). Each EQ gives +3 of their corresponding yield per adjacent coastal tile, Ancient Era Phoenicians(Haven Port), Classical Carthaginians(Cothon), and Medieval Norse(Naust). (Cothons also have 10 Fortification and Nausts give 25 from Ransack on Empire.) To pick from them, I looked at what bonuses we are passing up in each era. In Ancient Era, Olmecs have 1 on coastal from their EQ. In Classical Era, there are no direct bonuses to coastal, but Mayans and Celts have 3and 3on exploitation respectively. Exploitation is extra beneficial for harbors because they have no adjacency bonus and can be placed freely on any coastal tile next to land. I picked Mayan because coasts already yield(and so does the EQ I picked). There is no bonus to harbors in the Medieval Era, so I picked Norse for my harbor EQ, with the added bonus of them having a Naval Transport with High Seas, allowing them to transport units to settle new continents without any fear of deep water, along with their LT (legacy trait) giving them +2 movement speed and +2 Combat Strength on naval units allowing them to scout and contest the seas easily. In Early Modern Era, the Joseon have an insane 4to coastal.

All tiles:
2base yield on coastal
4from Joseon LT
1from Olmec LT

Adjacent Exploitations:
3for the Naust
3from the Mayan LT

With base coastal yield is 2each Naust adjacent to 4 (not yet exploited) coastal (and on 1 itself) will give 2212205without any infrastructures.

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4 years ago
Dec 14, 2020, 9:03:46 AM

Dev did mention that some cultural traits were changed, because some were overwhelmingly strong compared to other mediocre ones. So we would have to see how these traits are balanced. And I suspect that along with Celtic culture, Mayan culture is one of them. Therefore, just wait for a few days so that players can test various cultural combinations and (probably) update Wiki/Reddit/Forum pages...

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