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Newcomer to Modding

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3 years ago
Nov 3, 2021, 6:21:10 PM

I've been playing Humankind since its release and recently updated my game to the Fabius Maximus Beta released a few days ago. When I read that modding tools would be made available in some capacity, I was really excited to try them out. I followed the instructions in the recent devblog, but whenever I goto to find the Steam Library, I can't find the modding tools for Humankind at all.

Am I in the minority on this? Or am I missing something?

I'd really like to some help clarifying how all of this actually works. Thanks!

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3 years ago
Nov 3, 2021, 6:26:36 PM
AtlantisProject wrote:
I followed the instructions in the recent devblog, but whenever I goto to find the Steam Library, I can't find the modding tools for Humankind at all.

Yeah, even a search through my library using keyworlds like mod or humankind isn't bringing up any results for modding tools.

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