(idea previously described here, moving it to this new ideas section as it seems fitting)
In the Bolivar update there was the new "effect preview" feature added for each infrastructure choice that would clearly show the net gains across your entire city for any infrastructure option you selected. I think something like this would be extremely helpful when deciding which religious tenets to pick, for all the same reasons it was helpful for city infrastructure.
Right now when deciding between different religious tenets to pick it's difficult to make an informed decision around which would be best (particularly for larger empires) due to how time consuming it is to manually add up the bonuses for any religious tenet across your entire nation. By having an "effect preview" for religious tenets as you pick them, it would surface information that would help the player understand the benefits of any religious tenet for their nation as it currently is. This would help the player make a more informed decision.
See my mock-up below:
Along these same lines, something like this could be very handy when switching religions. That way if you're considering switching religions, you can see all the net gains or losses nation-wide that you would experience if you switched from your current religion to a new religion.
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