Even though we got the cultures of Latin America pack I still feel like we're lacking some serious Pre Colombian civilizations. In addition I feel like the game could use a religious based cultural affinity so why not satisfy both needs with a new culture, we already have one of their pyramids as a wonder, it's fitting we add their culture to match.

The Teotihuacans (Classical Era Religious Culture)

City of the Gods: Each population spot filled in the capital produces 2 faith and 2 influence, this doesn’t count if the population exceeds the limit. The first of each district type (Garrison, Commons Quarter, Religious District, Makers Quarter) grants a population spot.

Maxillae Soldiers: Gain 1 combat strength per 6 kills. For each promotion level each kill grants 10 influence. 

“With green tinted obsidian blades they added kills to their name which they represented with replica jaw bones they wore from their necks.”

Familial Apartments: +1 faith and +1 population spot per adjacent district. +2 influence per adjacent territory of foreign empires.

“Multi-family complexes with communal spaces for altars and business, sometimes in ethnic neighborhoods demonstrating the wide range of cultures attracted to the city.”