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a year ago
Nov 9, 2023, 8:06:53 PM


Raid Masters: 

  • +1 Land Movement Speed on Unit
  • +5 Combat Strength bonus when Ransacking on Army


  • +1 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District

  • +2 Influence

  • +10 District Fortification

  • +5 Stability

  • Exploits Food

  • Count as "Garrison"

  • Is: Land Unit Spawn.

  • Is fortified

Assyrian Raiders:

  • 21 CS
  • 6 MP
  • Generates +25% bonus Money when ransacking


Brilliant Philosophers: 

  • +3 Science per researched technologies on Capital

Ṣābu Ša Qašti:

  • 22 CS
  • 4 MP
  • Guardian

Astronomy House:

  • -10 Stability

  • +3 Science

  • +1 Faith per Researchers on City or Outpost

  • +1 Science per Researchers on City or Outpost

  • +1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost

  • Count as "Research Quarter"

  • Requires "Calendar"



Lust for War:

  • +1 Combat Strength on Unit
  • +20 Food, Industry, Money and Science on each Owned City per Occupied City 


  • +1 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District

  • +3 Money

  • +10 District Fortification

  • Replaces regular Outpost

  • Can be used as a Land Spawn Point for neighbor Cities

  • +10 Health Regeneration on Unit in Territory

  • Is: Land Unit Spawn

  • Is fortified


  • 23 CS
  • 6 MP
  • Suppression


Brutal Upbringing:

  • -20% on Unit Industry cost
  • +25 Experience on creating Units on City or Outpost 

Cyclopean Fortress:

  • +2 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
  • +10 Stability
  • +20 District FortificationCount as "Makers Quarter"
  • Count as "Garrison"
  • Is: Land Unit Spawn
  • Is fortified
  • Increases the Movement cost of hostile armies within a range of 1 Tile


  • 21 CS
  • 4 MP
  • Champion


Golden Dreams:

  • +1 Money per number of resource copies on exploited Resource Deposit

Meroe Pyramids:

  • +1 Money per Workers on City or Outpost
  • +1 Production per Merchants on City or Outpost
  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Money per adjacent Makers Quarter
  • +1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
  • Exploits Production

Ta-Seti Archers:

  • 19 CS
  • 4 MP
  • 3 Range
  • Greatly reduces the CS penalty from not having a clear line of sight


Natural Harmony:

  •  +3 Influence on Territory 

Olmec Head:

  • +2 Food
  • -10 Stability
  • +1 Food per adjacent District
  • +1 Influence per adjacent District
  • +1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
  • Count as "Farmers Quarter"

Javelin Throwers:

  • 21 CS
  • 4 MP
  • 2 Range
  • Ambusher


Trading Pioneers:

  • -25% Money maintainance on naval trade routes
  • +1 Combat Strength on Naval Unit or Transport
  • +1 Naval Movement Speed on Naval Unit or Transport 


  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Money per adjacent Land Tile

  • +1 Money per Traders on City or Outpost

  • +1 Food per Traders on City or Outpost  

  • +1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
  • Count as "Market Quarter"
  • Is: Naval Unit Spawn
  • Allows Units to embark without any Movement Point cost


  • 13 CS
  • 2 MP
  • Naval Transport
  • Navigator


Druidic Lore:

  • +2 Faith on Forest
  • +2 Faith on Woodland


  • +2 Food per adjacent Forest
  • +2 Food per adjacent Woodland
  • Count as "Religious District"
  • Exploits Food 
  • Exploits Faith


  • 26 CS
  • 6 MP
  • Fervor


Socratic Method:

  • +3 Science per Number of Territories in your sphere of influence on City or Outpost


  • +3 Science per Era

  • +1 Influence per Researchers on City or Outpost

  • -10 Stability

  • +1 Science per adjacent District

  • Count as "Research Quarter"


  • 27 CS
  • 4 MP
  • Phalanx


Guiding Light:

  • +1 Influence on Emblematic District
  • -10% on Attach Outpost cost 


  • +3 Science
  • +2 Influence
  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Faith
  • +1 Science per adjacent District
  • +1 Influence per adjacent District
  • +1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost
  • Count as "Research Quarter"
  • Count as "Religious District"


  • 30 CS
  • 6 MP
  • 3 Range
  • Elephant Platform



Tireless Spirit:

  • +2 Industry per Workers on City or Outpost 

K'uh Nah:

  • +5 Industry per number of attached Territories
  • -10 Stability
  • +2 Faith per adjacent District
  • +1 Influence per adjacent District
  • Count as "Commons Quarter"
  • Count as "Religious District"
  • Doesn't exploit Industry

Noble Javelineers:

  • 27 CS
  • 4 MP
  • 2 Range
  • Poison



Master of Whispers:

  • +8% Money per Alliance on all Cities 
  • +5% Money on Allied Empire


  • +1 Money per Horses
  • +3 Money
  • -10 Stability
  • +25 Money per adjacent  Horses Deposit
  • +1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
  • Count as "Market Quarter" 

Varangian Guards:

  • 39 CS
  • 4 MP
  • Honor Code


Crown Lands:

  • +7 Influence per number of attached Territories on Capital


  • +3 Science
  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Faith
  • +1 Science per adjacent Research Quarter
  • +1 Faith per adjacent Research Quarter
  • +2 Influence per adjacent Research Quarter
  • +1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost
  • Count as "Research Quarter"

Franci Milites:

  • 39 CS
  • 6 MP
  • Heavy Charge 


Flowing Waters:

  • Districts built on Rivers exploit all the tile's yields indipendently on their District Type

Sacred Mound:

  • -50% Industry cost reduction of adjacent Districts
  • -10 Stability
  • +2 Money per adjacent District
  • +3 Industry on Religious District 
  • +3 Faith on Religious District 
  • Count as "Religious District"

Cahokia Raiders:

  • 36 CS
  • 4 MP
  • Raider's Ardor


Learned Friends:

  • +8% Science per Alliance on all Cities
  • +5% Science on Allied Empire

Grand Mosque:

  • +3 Science per number of Religious Disctrict on City or Outpost
  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Faith per number of attached Territories
  • +1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost
  • Count as "Research Quarter"
  • Count as "Religious District"


  • 36 CS
  • 6 MP
  • +3 Stability in the territories they are (if they are yours)

Edo Japanese

Shogun's Authority:

  • +1 Influence per Population on City or Outpost


  • +5 Faith
  • +5 Influence per adjacent Mountain
  • +3 Influence per adjacent Forest
  • +3 Influence per adjacent Rocky Forest
  • Count as "Religious District" 
  • Can be freely placed

Naginata Samurai:

  • 46 CS
  • 5 MP
  • Honor Code 


Hall of Worthies:

  • +3 Science on Tile producing  Science 


  • +2 Influence
  • +2 Science
  • +5 Science per adjacent Mountain
  • +3 Science per adjacent River
  • -10 Stability
  • -3 Science per adjacent  District
  • +1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost
  • Count as " Research Quarter" 
  • Can be placed freely


  • 50 CS
  • 6 MP
  • 4 Range
  • Ramming


Supremacy of Fire:

  • -50% on Heavy Weapon Industry cost
  • +3 Combat Strength on Heavy Weapon 

Sultan Camii:

  • +1 Faith per District
  • +3 Influence
  • -10 Stability
  • +2 Influence per adjacent District
  • +2 Science per adjacent District
  • Count as "Religious District"
  • Count as "Commons Quarter"


  • 44 CS
  • 4 MP
  • 4 Range
  • Siege Mastery


Colonial Riches:

  • +10 Money per number of attached Territories on Capital
  • +10 Science per number of attached Territories on Capital

Colonial Office:

  • +2 Money per adjacent District
  • +2 Money per adjacent District for Liege
  • +1 Money per Population
  • +1 Money per Population for Liege
  • Count as "Market Quarter"
  • Can be built in Vassal's territories
  • Can be built in friendly Indipendent Peoples territory


  • 51 CS
  • 4 MP
  • 4 Range
  • Expedition


Inspiring Virtuosos:

  • +10 Stability on Commons Quarter
  • +1 Influence on Commons Quarter
  • -50% on Commons Quarter Industry cost 


  • +1 Influence
  • +1 Influence per Traders
  • +1 Influence per Researchers
  • Count as "Commons Quarter"


  • 50 CS
  • 5 MP
  • Cliffs Crosser


Land and Glory:

  • Upon conquering or claiming new territories you gain +10 Money per amount of Resources in the discovered Resource Depots present there
  • +1 War Support per Hostile Unit within your borders


  • +1 Faith per Farmers on City or Outpost
  • +1 Faith per Workers on City or Outpost
  • +3 Stability per adjacent District
  • +3 Influence
  • Count as "Religious District"
  • Count as "Commons Quarter"


  • 46 CS
  • 8 MP
  • 4 Range
  • Multi-Move


American Exceptionalism:

  • +10 Influence on Resources being sold
  • +1 Money generated from on-going Trade on City or Outpost

Defense Agency:

  • +1 Science per Merchants on City or Outpost
  • +1 Money per Researchers on City or Outpost
  • +3 bonus  Combat Strength when launching Artillery, Air or Missile Strikes on Unit
  • Count as "Garrison"


  • 77 CS
  • 20 Range
  • Aerial Stealth


Valley of Kings:

  • +4 Influence on Emblematic District

Archaeological Dig:

  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Influence
  • +3 Influence per Eras that the Emblematic Building it was built on has passed since its construction

Free Officers:

  • 58 CS
  • 4 MP
  • 4 Range 
  • Anti-Colonialism


Red Tide:

  • +3 Combat Strength on Unit in your sphere of influence
  • +3 Influence on City or Outpost per Units within its territory

Arms Factory:

  • +10 Pollution
  • +5 Industry
  • +3 Money per Weapon sold on Empire
  • -10 Stability
  • Does not count as "Market Quarter"
  • Count as "Makers Quarter"
  • Creates a new Deposit of Weapons which is automatically exploited.
  • +2 Combat Strength on Unit
  • -5 Stability per Weapon on all Cities
  • -3% on Unit Industry cost per Weapon

Red Army Tank:

  • 60 CS
  • 8 MP
  • 6 Range
  • Field Repairs
Updated 3 months ago.
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