The origional Independent people treaties are a bit crude, Here are some of my idea to improve it. 


Independent people treaty improvements


I, establish contact

General rewards: Allow players pass through their city

liege rewards: Allow only Friendly troop pass through their city

Allow patronage


II, Direction

General rewards: Violent IP will no longer attack you.


1)Trad charter 

Allow trade in luxury

liege rewards: IP focus on economy and resource extraction(tend to build artisan and market quarter).


2)Auxiliary charter

Allow hiring mercenary  

Liege rewards: IP focus on Army development (tend to build farmers and garrison quarter while developing strong army) .


  • 3) Homesteading Charter

Allow IP expand and attach territory. 

liege rewards: IP focus on industry and farming (tend to build makers and farmers quarter).



III, Leadership

General rewards: -50% patronage from other empire.


1)Company committee:

-50% all resource trade cost 

liege rewards:liege shared 50% resource trade income 



Half price mercenary 

liege rewards: liege share 50% Army rent and 25% loot when army haired to ransack


Ideology export 

liege rewards: Liege can request territory/outpost transfer


IV, Sovereignty

General rewards: 

culture and religion exclusivity for liege.

 liege has full vision over IP territory



+5 luxury resource extract from artisan quarter, +10 money each artisan quarter.

IP will start to build limited research quarter 

75% city yield contribute to the liege  

Resource exclusivity : free resource for liege

Liege benefits




3)Client state/protectorate:

+50 international sway

IP will start to build limited research quarter

50% city yield contribute to the liege

Liege benefits