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4 years ago Jan 15,2021, 17:04:41 PM

Join us for a fully digital BEER2GETHER!

6 137 Views

It's that time of year again, where we celebrate the founding of Amplitude Studios with a nice BEER2GETHER. And this time around, it's extra special: it's our 10 year anniversary! 

What's a BEER2GETHER you say? Well, usually, we like to host a get together at our offices where the community can come and hang out and chat with the devs over some snacks and drinks of choice. It's a great time for us to get to know our players and vice versa.

Obviously this year a physical get together is out of the question. But as citizens of the internet, naturally we have found another solution:

Join us for the first ever FULLY DIGITAL B2G!

WHEN: FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd from 19:00 CET / 18:00 GMT  to 21:00 CET / 20:00 GMT

WHERE: On ZOOM**. You will receive an email with the meeting details / meeting room password.

WHO: Space is limited! Depending on how many sign-ups we have we will go with first-come first-serve or a random drawing.  

WHAT: Playing some get-to-know-each-other games with the devs, breakout rooms for chatting, and whatever else we feel like getting up to. Bring-your-own-beverage this year. 


We look forward to seeing you guys there, and thanks for going on this brave new adventure together with us!

**Zoom is a video conferencing software that can be downloaded for free here: https://zoom.us/ 

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