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My first suggestion, get an RSS feed

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13 years ago
Mar 16, 2012, 3:43:03 PM
wow... what an odd experience. It's like reading a book, catching an annoying typo... and then before your eyes it repairs.

I feel so close to the sun! it burns!! :P
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13 years ago
Mar 16, 2012, 1:19:34 PM
Thanks for the heads-up, I made a fix on the texts, don't know what happened there but it should be all good now smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Mar 16, 2012, 12:25:42 PM
and well since you guys are in a fixit kinda mood. I noticed the last point of the Replayability bullet points under the Endless Space/Features page is the same as the first of the Games2Gether points.

"Choose from different victory conditions and adapt your strategy on the fly."

not sure if it was a typo or design but it seemed odd as I read through since they're back to back. Not of any importance whatsoever... jus sayin.

*EDIT* I see it happens in other points too so perhaps it's just design...
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13 years ago
Mar 16, 2012, 12:16:19 PM
we did not fix anything yet, but there is a problem with the default way of safari to handle cookies which interfere with our site...
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13 years ago
Mar 16, 2012, 12:10:41 PM
Hmm yup Safari works now...

Q is was it something you guys fixed? or was it because I turned on all cookies and stopped blocking pop ups... hmmm...
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13 years ago
Mar 16, 2012, 6:55:37 AM
Strobe wrote:
Might I suggest a "remember me" button for logging in? I tired rapidly of having to log in eight times a day because the site doesn't recognize I'm still here.

I'm Ethoril, and I approve this message
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 11:44:42 PM
Zep' wrote:
And Opera.

Or at least Internet Explorer :'( (it took me more than 10 tries to be able to log on endless space website :/ )

And that good sir, is why Chrome PWS U NEWBS!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

And now, back to correct grammar.
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 10:31:06 PM
Might I suggest a "remember me" button for logging in? I tired rapidly of having to log in eight times a day because the site doesn't recognize I'm still here.
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 10:14:36 PM
Zep' wrote:
And Opera.

Or at least Internet Explorer :'( (it took me more than 10 tries to be able to log on endless space website :/ )

so sorry guys about that, we are looking into it smiley: frown
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 6:46:13 PM
maceman wrote:
and fix the G2G site to work with Safari...


Making me support Google w Chrome :P

And Opera.

Or at least Internet Explorer :'( (it took me more than 10 tries to be able to log on endless space website :/ )
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 4:24:33 PM
yeah i have been active on 3 difrant games and this guys are close to spammerssmiley: biggrin

Lets hope theys guys can teace gaming companys a couple of thingssmiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 3:41:57 PM
I must say I'm pleasantly surprised by how active the devs are in the community, fledgling as it is. Oh I know, that's the entire *point* of the venture, but it's still refreshing to see a studio go through with a promise like that.
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 3:18:42 PM
We'll work on the RSS feed smiley: wink

Concerning the Safari bug, it's a new update of Safari that doesn't allow cookie copies (I think you can still enable that function for the time being in the options). But we're also working on that!
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 2:00:40 PM
and fix the G2G site to work with Safari...


Making me support Google w Chrome :P
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