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Censored or moderated ?

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13 years ago
Apr 7, 2012, 2:28:56 PM

I posted a news on the new Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion being available on steam.

I can't find my post so it was probably removed.

Can I ask why ?
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13 years ago
Apr 7, 2012, 2:41:11 PM
Probably an application of this quote from the forum rules:

skamaks wrote:
Stay on target

Please make sure your post is going in the correct forum otherwise it's going to be a huge mess and we'll lose time cleaning everything up rather than creating the game. Threads that are off topic, or become so, may be moved or locked. Yep, we're that crazy!

There isn't an offtopic forum or a "other 4x games" forum. At least the first seems to be planned for the future.

But it'd have been interesting if you'd gotten a PM saying: "We deleted your thread for reason X.", which would have been a lot clearer.
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13 years ago
Apr 7, 2012, 4:41:10 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
But it'd have been interesting if you'd gotten a PM saying: "We deleted your thread for reason X.", which would have been a lot clearer.

I would have expected a reason as well, a strange happening in deed. Hopefully we'll get an upgraded forum soon enough, with at least an off topic sub forum.
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13 years ago
Apr 8, 2012, 5:14:05 PM
Well respedcting forum rules, and if you posted linkes to an other game in youre first post that would get you banned in other forums. Even thoughe ampletudio studios is smal new comp they are a busniss and whey should they let other comapnys make moeny of their work?

If you disagree withe the moderating pm a moderator. Don ask in puplic they get very cranky!
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13 years ago
Apr 9, 2012, 2:26:09 AM
check at the top of the screen at "notifications". you probably have one regarding that post. I mentioned another indie game of which i am following development (which is not a 4X, or in anyway related to or competing with this game) and my post was promptly deleted. perhaps this forum should split into categories. maybe one of these would be for off topic threads. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter or anything, but it is for that reason that I do not mention Endless Space on other more friendly forums. and i very much would like too! but it's only fair.
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13 years ago
Apr 9, 2012, 7:33:05 AM
It's not only an "other" game, it's a game of the same kind.

But I too think an off-topic forum or "Your favorit games" would be cool.
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13 years ago
Apr 9, 2012, 9:04:29 PM
To answer the OP and to add a closing statement.

As has been mentioned this board is also in a beta-state when it comes to structure and that will be revised over time as need arise.

These boards can become cluttered at the moment and must be kept on target for the most for that very reason.

At the moment the purpose is for everyone to get to know each other and to get to know the devs and most importantly learn about the game they make so that all members can and will become involved in the process.

As for censoring and moderation; it is the same thing really. Most boards hosted by any developer/publisher/company are theirs to do with as they wish and thus moderation occurs.

Topics not related to the forum-intention is removed and inappropriate language of most kind is removed.

I for one thinks it is kinda rude to post advertisement of other games on another dev/publisher/companys forum or website without first asking permission for it (please note this is my personal opinion and not one of Amplitude studios). Cause that is what it is, advertisement. At the moment its not part of the forums intention and as such was removed until further notice. Be rest assured however that if something changes all threads can be restored in case changes are made as I for one tend to soft-delete stuff rather than remove it entirely.

Also as znork mentions. Take things on moderation in a PM. Its not that we get cranky. Its just that way it doesn't clutter the board with even more threads. I usually manage warnings and discussion on improper behaviour and conflict resolutions in PMs just to keep it neat and tidy and without public humiliation in some ways cause some ppl are indeed touchy about being warned or reprimanded in public.


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