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Can I change my username?

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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 9:41:07 PM
Sadly the answer on this is no since that will cause more trouble than its worth.

We can have this account removed once you have set up a new one. Just reply here with your new account and let us know when its done.

If you have already preordered and validated your key for G2G-points then also mention that here and the dev-team will have a looksie on having the G2G-points transfered.


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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 8:40:02 AM
Hi ! I also want to change my account so I made a new one . Old one was " michsof " and new is " Omi ". I also have already preordered and valitaded my key so I want my G2G-points transfered. Thanks in advance !
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 9:06:51 AM
As Alder previously stated, we don't allow name changes as it is causing too much trouble (remember that your forums account is linked to the Amplitude one).

I would suggest you create a new Amplitude account: PM me your email address and Steam CD Key so I can remove your previous account. Then, you will be able to re-use the same address and redeem your points (or I will add them for you if it doesn't work).

Once again, I do that manually for every single request, so make sure you won't want to change your name in the future!
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