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Question - Where do I vote?

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13 years ago
May 30, 2012, 10:04:49 AM
Hey all,

I haven't had as much time as I'd like to spend on the forums with y'all, and I noticed that even though I try to log in to at least see what's up (yay for the Amoeba and the Sowers!), I seem to keep missing votes... I thought everything was in the forum proper? I'm sure I'm being really boneheaded, but could someone let me know where I'm supposed to direct my attention for all the votin' I've been missing? I'd love to get me in on that action. smiley: wink

Edit: As thought, tremendous moron. But, for ease of use of anyone else wondering where G2G votes are: Log into the forums, visit the Amplitude website, vote! I'm the idiot that nearly breaks idiotproof things. smiley: smile
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