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Endless Day question

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9 years ago
Jan 21, 2016, 9:18:20 PM
Endless Day

This might not be the right forum for my question, but I didn't know where else to put it, since it's about all three games, and not just one of them. Feel free to move it if you think it should be somewhere else, and sorry for the trouble.

I just found out about Endless Day (through luck; from a friend), and it's really nice that we get to unlock heroes in all the games... except my present computer can't run any of the Endless games.

My old one could run Endless Space (one of my most-played games on Steam, for whatever that's worth) and Dungeon of the Endless. I've never had a computer that could run Endless Legend, but I still bought it as soon as it launched on Early Access just because I just love you guys that much (I'm not being sarcastic here: Amplitude is one of the rare devs from which a new game almost means an automatic day-one purchase from me, the other two being Arcen and Klei - and that's coming from someone who usually waits for a 75% sale to buy games).

Long story short, I'm a fan.

Now it looks like I'll be losing out on actual in-game content (the heroes) just because of my hardware limitations? It's minor, sure, but it's still something that affects gameplay (as opposed to the achievements). As you can imagine, this makes me sad, and disappointed.

So here's my question: will these be available later in some other way? Is this Endless Day promotion just a "timed exclusive" and these heroes will be patched in for everyone at a later date? Or am I missing out on them forever just because I can't play the games right now?

Looking at the announcement on Steam, it seems I might have a slight chance...


How to unlock the Emlek Tarosh hero: you need to start a new game of Endless Space (make sure you have disabled your mods if you are playing with any), before January 25th (end of the event). If you manage to do so, the hero will be unlocked for your future games once the event is over.

To unlock the “Endless Day” achievement: win a game in “Endless” difficulty, started between January 21st and January 25th, but completed at any time.


How to unlock the archivist, Esseb Tarosh: you need to start a new game of Dungeon of the Endless. The hero will be available in your pool right away, for the duration of the event. Like any other heroes in DotE, you need to survive at least three floors with the hero or finish the game with it. If you manage to do so, once the event ends, you will be able to keep the Esseb Tarosh in your pool of heroes.

How to unlock the “Endless Day” achievement: you need to start a new game in any difficulty, hire the archivist hero and keep it alive, and complete the game. Make sure you start and complete a game between January 21st and January 25th in order to get the achievement.


How to unlock the Eslek Tarosh hero and the “Endless Day” achievement: you need to start a new game of Endless Legend (make sure you have disabled your mods if you are playing with any), before January 25th (end of the event!). Once you have built your first city, a new quest will appear: “Day of the Awakening”. Complete it and you will unlock the new hero and the Steam achievement.

I can launch both Endless Space and, probably, Dungeon of the Endless. ES is far too laggy for me to actually play, but I can at least start a game. I'm assuming the same is true for DoE. Maybe I can do the same with EL.

What I'm wondering is, if I start a game now (during Endless Day) and keep my save files of those for when I have a computer that can actually play them, will I be able to unlock the heroes later with these old save files? Or do I have to actually play and unlock the heroes now, during the event?

It seems that, for ES, all I have to do is start a game. I can do this. That's good.

But for both DoE and EL, it sounds like I actually have to -play-, and do the things mentioned before the event ends...
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9 years ago
Jan 21, 2016, 10:17:03 PM
AFAIK, you can change your computer.s time to get the unlocks ^^

I hope I.m not giving you false hopes though ...
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9 years ago
Jan 21, 2016, 10:29:01 PM
Oooh, I hadn't thought of that, good idea!

It would be nice to get a confirmation of this from the devs, but that would fix everything. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Jan 21, 2016, 10:32:18 PM
ElegantCaveman wrote:

It would be nice to get a confirmation of this from the devs, but that would fix everything. smiley: smile

I can confirm it, I've done it last year.
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9 years ago
Jan 22, 2016, 12:02:54 PM
> The Mezari will be unlocked shortly. We haven't updated the game yet. smiley: smile

Sorry, I have not checked your comment. I'll wait a little more.
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