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Takes Forever to Redeem G2G Game codes

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9 years ago
Jan 31, 2016, 10:24:44 PM
Posting here, but it's for all G2G game codes.

I'm not sure if it's working as intended or not, but it generally takes 3+ minutes to process each G2G code. There's a lot of codes (I had like 12-15 codes), and it really did take a long time to get through them all.

I just wanted to say something in case it was meant to go a bit faster (and maybe there's an error/hangup somewhere).

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9 years ago
Feb 1, 2016, 9:20:36 AM
How did you get the Echoes / Lost Tales Awards ?

I've also purchased the DLCs but they do not appear here ...

Simply copy-paste the Steam codes ?
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9 years ago
Feb 1, 2016, 1:45:28 PM
Our website is a proper pain in the rear. We're looking into alternatives, but for the moment if you have issues, shoot me a PM with the cd key and what it's supposed to unlock (or a screenshot of your keys) and I'll register them for you. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Feb 1, 2016, 2:46:43 PM
Managed to register the Echoes / Lost Tales ^^

But what can I do regarding the Frozen Fangs ? I do not see a CDKEY for that one ...
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9 years ago
Feb 1, 2016, 4:07:26 PM
Frozen Fangs doesn't have a badge, so no registering necessary. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Feb 1, 2016, 4:10:07 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
Frozen Fangs doesn't have a badge, so no registering necessary. smiley: smile

Thanks for the info !!
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