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Steam owned item discount in bundles not being applied and pricing mismatch

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9 years ago
Apr 9, 2016, 10:56:54 AM
Orginal post on Steam Forums (by me): http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=36238202


On Store Page:

Individual price of the 9 items you don't already have: £22.98

Bundle discount: 25%

Your cost: £17.22

In Cart:

Amplitude Endless Pack

Includes 10 items: Endless Space® - Emperor Edition, Endless Legend™ - Classic Edition, Endless Legend - Classic Edition to Emperor Edition Upgrade, Endless Legend™ - Shadows, Endless Legend™ - Guardians, Dungeon of the Endless™ - Rescue Team Add-on, Endless Legend™ - Echoes of Auriga, Endless Legend™ - The Lost Tales, Dungeon of the Endless™ - Pixel Edition, Dungeon of the Endless - Pixel Edition to Crystal Edition Upgrade

Subtotal £20.66

In PayPal:

Total: £20.66

Steam also warned I won't get an extra copy of the stuff I owned, which I expected, but it's still wanting to charge me for it, even though the bundle mentions it won't.

Sad times, hopefully someone will fix that. I've reached out to Amplitude too, as it might be affecting their sales.

You'll also note the Bundle says 17.22 but the Cart says 20.66 (which is the full price of all items in the bundle -25%, rather than just the 9 I don't own)

It's pretty broken, Would love to expand my Endless game collection, but would also like the numbers to add up :P
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9 years ago
Apr 9, 2016, 3:32:15 PM
There are two major threads for this on Steam.

Endless Legend - Community Discussions

Endless Space - Community Discussions

Some users have bothered to provide pictures.

Reading what I can, it seems the root of the problem is a Steam Store issue, one that Steam has dealt with before. In this instance, the appID of the Endless Space - Emperor Edition Pre-order (or in some cases the Humble Bundle version) is not, or was not the same as the current appID for the Endless Space - Emperor Edition. Even though you are credited as owning the game, you are essentially never credited as having actually purchased that specific appID. A weird conundrum, and ultimately a bug with their newly implemented discount system with bundles. It stinks that Amplitude is suffering for being one of the few companies to support that feature.

So far, this is the official response, as provided here.

Steph'nie wrote:
Hi all,

We are aware of the store issue and have contacted Valve on this matter. We're hoping this will be fixed shortly but can't promise anything. Anyway, we will let you know as soon as we receive news from them.

Thank you.
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9 years ago
Apr 10, 2016, 8:46:27 PM
Good spot! thanks for the info. For the sakes of a few quid I might just grab it anyway smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Apr 11, 2016, 3:32:29 PM

Yes indeed, we're sorry this isn't resolved by now. Valve is looking into it, but we'll let you know if there's an update.
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9 years ago
Apr 13, 2016, 7:37:19 PM
I don't know how or what they did to fix this, but it does seem to be fixed as far as the storefront goes. However, when getting back on the forums to reply to this originally, I bothered to enter my associated CD Keys/Product Keys. I had 3 for just my pre-order to Endless Space. After purchase of the Disharmony expansion as a part of the bundle... I still have 3 total keys. I'm unsure which one is missing, but it is missing. I believe at one point I had a pre-order key that is now gone.

The fix to this store issue may have been to remove my Endless Space Pre-Order CD-Key and appID from my account on Steam, and simply assign the account as owning the normal game that works in the store. Will this in any way affect things here on the Amplitude forums? Was that CD-Key important?
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