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EXTRA CONTENT: DotE & Endless Legend

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10 years ago
Mar 12, 2015, 4:47:23 PM
Hi everyone,

Here's a thread that will explain the available unlocks you will receive if you own a specific pack of Endless Legend (store page) or Dungeon of the Endless (store page).


Two editions of the game are available: the Pixel Pack and the Crystal Pack (named "Founder Pack", during Steam Early Access). Both contain the base game, the game soundtrack (located in the game folder: Steam>Steamapps>Common>Dungeon of the Endless>Soundtrack), and the Amplitude forum award and G2G points. Just above is a comparison picture of the two packs.


  • As shown on the picture, the Crystal Pack contains:

    • An extra spaceship (the Library pod).
    • A hero (Josh 'Ntello).
    • You will also receive extra content (a faction skin: the Mezari) for our other game, Endless Legend (link to store page).

  • Owning the Endless Legend - Emperor Pack (store page) also unlocks extra content for Dungeon of the Endless: the Deep Freeze Add-On (store page) - a unique spaceship (the Refreezerator pod) and a unique hero (Kreyang). This Dreep Freeze add-on can be purchased separately on the store, but it isn't included in the Crystal pack
  • The Rescue Team content pack can be purchased from the store separately (store page): it includes three new heroes and new mobs.
  • Only unlocked with the Founder Pack (purchased while the game was still on Early Access // not available anymore): the Founder badge for the Amplitude forum, and a 50% off coupon for Endless Space.


Once again, two editions of the game are available: the Classic Pack and the Emperor Pack (used to be named "Founder Pack", until the official release). Both contain the base game, the soundtrack (located in the game folder: Steam>Steamapps>Common>Endless Legend>Soundtrack), and the Amplitude forum award and G2G points. Just above is a comparison picture of the two packs.


  • As mentioned on the Steam store page (link), the Emperor Pack offers extra content:

    • The Ice Wargs minor faction (they can randomly be found in the game roaming the map like any other minor race).
    • A unique faction trait "A Song of Ice, Only Ice" for your custom factions.
    • An extra hero named Namkang (can be purchased through the marketplace, but once again, it will totally be random).
    • You will also unlock extra content (the Refreezerator pod and a hero named Kreyang) for our other game, Dungeon of the Endless (store page).

  • Owning Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack (store page) also unlocks extra content for Endless Legend: the Mezari faction (a reskin of the Vaulters). You only need to own Endless Legend (either Classic or Emperor pack) & the DotE Crystal pack to unlock that faction.
  • Only unlocked with the Founder Pack (purchased while the game was still on Early Access // not available anymore): the Founder badge for the Amplitude forum, and a 50% off coupon for Endless Space.

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