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What happened to the ES2 content creation contest? Is G2G still going to be a thing going forward?

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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 2:38:17 PM


What happened to the ES2 quest creation contest? 

Did the dev's nix it?

It had 2 days left for submission before the website went down - I never got a chance to get in my entry! :(

Since they buyout with Sega, are G2G creation still going to be a thing? 

I really liked Amplitude's way of incorporating the fan-base and giving them a chance to have content they created be put in the game.

It would be sad if that went away.

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9 years ago
Jul 5, 2016, 3:46:44 PM

The contest is still going forward, in the ES2 forums over there. We'll give it until the end of the week, probably until Friday noon, Paris time. Get a-postin'!

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