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Forum Suggestions

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9 years ago
Jul 25, 2016, 2:03:25 PM

Hey Devs,

Just a quick forum suggestion I noticed. hopefully it helps.

The "Off-Topic" board is consistent throughout all of the game portals, however it has no delineation as such - rather it appears as the top "sticky" post across the forums as the corresponding color of the forum. (I.E. "Off-Topic" appears as purple in the G2G portal, Blue in the ES2 portal, etc etc.).

Since the thread is the same throughout and contains the same information, perhaps it should be differentiated from the individual game-related board threads - otherwise it gives the impression that the "Off-Topic" thread is unique to the individual portal. Perhaps global stickys should be recognized as such.

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9 years ago
Jul 25, 2016, 2:53:58 PM
electronben wrote:

Hey Devs,

Just a quick forum suggestion I noticed. hopefully it helps.

The "Off-Topic" board is consistent throughout all of the game portals, however it has no delineation as such - rather it appears as the top "sticky" post across the forums as the corresponding color of the forum. (I.E. "Off-Topic" appears as purple in the G2G portal, Blue in the ES2 portal, etc etc.).

Since the thread is the same throughout and contains the same information, perhaps it should be differentiated from the individual game-related board threads - otherwise it gives the impression that the "Off-Topic" thread is unique to the individual portal. Perhaps global stickys should be recognized as such.

This is a very good idea, we'll look into it :)

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