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G2G points: use them or loose them?

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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 2:01:37 PM

I read in a thread that if a player register empire version he loose his old G2G points. Sudgestion was use them before redeem new code. 

Got 2 question on this subject 

1 Where to spend the points? 

2 What do I get if I buy the empire version?

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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 3:57:56 PM
jonhsame wrote:

I read in a thread that if a player register empire version he loose his old G2G points. Sudgestion was use them before redeem new code. 

Got 2 question on this subject 

1 Where to spend the points? 

2 What do I get if I buy the empire version?

Hey Jonhsame,

This kind of issue should not exist anymore, as the system is now completely automated. You just have to link your Steam account with your G2G profile here.

1- You don't spend G2G points, they represent your weight when you're upvoting a Thread/Vote/Contest/... and more to come.
2- This depend on the Game you're talking about, you should directly check on the Steam store for more information.


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