I own the game and all expansions aside from tempest, I got the bundle last time it was on steam. I just now seen the DLC Endless Legend™ - Forges of Creation Update on steam for free and read it all and love the improved AI more music more items ect, the new hero and so forth.

My question is....why do I already have some of this content mentiond only in this update? The ardent mages main screen, the scyther unit, steam workshop is already incorporated in my version as well which is one of the offered new updates in it.

My question is, do I already have this entire bundle already? It doesnt show added at all to my game or steam library? Will I actually receive AI changes if I download this?  

When I hover over all the DLCs in steam it pops up "in library" for all but tempest and this, so my version beileves I DONT HAVE THIS, but why do I have some elements of it? In some update were some of these things pushed into the new version and now not unique to this DLC?

But the contrary to this in my add-ons tab I have the option to turn off/on "the lost tails" 23 quests and "echoes of aurgia"  item reskins/soundtracks. Which again, were mentioned to be exclustive to the Endless Legend™ - Forges of Creation Update.  You can see all the patch notes here.


Needless to say, im very confused if this update will change the a.i of my game at all, and Id love to know if it would. (yes the a.i seem fairly derpy at times and make very bad decisions, playing in Impossible doesnt seem to change thier thinking at all, they just get more stuff)