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should endless space 2 support 4k?

Add a button for high resolution users
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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 11:29:28 PM

according to this thread here: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forum/114-bug-reports/thread/21804-not-able-to-choose-planetary-specialization-on-huge-planets-4k?page=0#post-last they are not planning on releasing the game with 4k support. This is hilariously bad for a game to be released in 2017! It isn't due to lack of ability, there is already a UI toggle, so we know that it can be done. All you need to do is edit the settings options to add an extra option for high resolution users. 

The game is currently unplayable on 4k, planets are too big for the UI, this means that often when you click a button in the UI you instead zoom into the planet. And according to here: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forum/66-game-design/thread/22192-let-s-talk-about-game-options we are told to not even ask for it! This is when a community needs to be the most vocal. Preventing players from playing something because they have a certain monitor is NOT okay and we should not need to buy a new, worse monitor just to play this game!

Do you really want all the downvotes on steam from people unable to play the game because you cant be bothered to edit a file? Do you really want that many people refunding? All my friends play on 4k.

Why do you support 480p but not 4k? There are far more people running 4k than 720p.

This also affects people running at 1440p.

Please look into fixing this issue instead of trying to silence your community and just ignoring it. 4k issues have been reported so many times but only one thread has been responded to.

I really enjoy this game, I also enjoyed Endless Legend. So why are you making your new game NOT work on 4k when your old game DID work on 4K!?

I made a bug report about this here: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forum/116-archives/thread/22360-4k-is-unplayable?page=1#post-last but it was wrongly moved to archives. Archives is for "solved or outdated bugs". This is neither solved or outdated as the issue still persists in the game.

How about instead of hiding comments reporting bugs that you don't want to fix you, I don't know, fix them?

Also, your system requirements on steam state as follows: 

  • OS: Windows (64bits only) 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 
  • Processor: i3 4th generation / i5 2nd generation / A6 series 
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM 
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon 5800 series / NVidia 550Ti 
  • DirectX: Version 11 
  • Storage: 8 GB available space 
  • Sound Card: DX11 compatible 
  • Additional Notes: Minimum Resolution: 1280 x 720

Last I checked, 3840 x 2160 was ABOVE the minimum of 1280 x 720. So you are also falsely advertising your game to work on systems that it does not.

I am sorry if I come off as rude but it is really horrible to report a bug to devs and be told that they will not fix it. People complained about EAs small cities size is simcity and at least that was playable (after the first week), in this game certain features don't even work for 4k users. How is it fair in multiplayer when 1080p users can improve their planets but 4k users cannot?

Just so everyone is clear, this: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/249214229965553564/71684DA6A6AB52B2AF66F65F879E579FD36021F1/ is the issue, the planets are far too big for the UI and clicking the spanner leads to this: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/249214229965553824/ED3863E2B4B0669583480323A364EBC8E6E21067/ Just reduce the planet size for resolutions above 1080p and the game will be fixed.

If mods feel that this belongs in bug reports instead then feel free to move it. But last time I posted there my unresolved issue was moved to archives.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 4:39:50 PM

It does, the planets are too big on 4k.

OR it doesn't and they could change the button priorities.

Both are fixes.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 26, 2017, 7:06:24 PM

Just bought a curved 34" Monitor with 3880 x 1440 Resolution and except for some minor issues the game plays great. You guys should see what effect such curved monitors have, when sitting infront of it. Truly it is fabulous for immersion. Nothing compared to the old square monitors. ;) 

As in regard to the minor issues i noticed that inside the main menu the button for "New Game" is slightly hidden on the left side and Planets do not really have their South Pole anymore, but this is really just the middle part of the Pole, so you still get to see most of the ice. ;)

Aside from that the game seems to be running well, but i of course hope that they will make it more compatible with these kind of resolutions in a future patch considering how popular these types of monitors are undoubtedly gonna be.

Updated 8 years ago.
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