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Amplitude Developed Warhammer 40k Grand Strategy?

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8 years ago
Feb 18, 2017, 10:29:46 AM

Not sure if this topic has already been covered, but after playing considerable amounts of Warhammer Total War and Endless Space 2 early access I got to thinking, wouldn't it be great if Amplitude followed Endless Space 2 with a Warhammer 40k space 4x game? Amplitude are now owned by SEGA, who appear to hold gaming rights for both Warhammer Fantasy & 40k so licensing wouldn't be an issue. 

As a fan of the 40k universe I think the lore would be ripe for an Endless Space style game, Battlefleet Gothic gave us a taste but was more of a linear mission based RTS. I know people have created, and continue to create 40k mods for 4x games, but the thought of a studio developed game from Amplitude would be amazing, especially with their uncompromising commitment to visual fidelity and art design....

Thoughts? Think it would clash too much with Relics Dawn of War? Rather see Endless Space 3 or Endless Legend 2? Does the thought of a Warhammer 40k: Endless War get you excited?

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8 years ago
Feb 22, 2017, 4:47:24 PM

rather not, since in that time they could make another Endless Game, which is more important for the future of mankind 

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8 years ago
Feb 23, 2017, 7:38:46 AM

If you say so, but Games Workshops IPs are bigger commercial franchises than Amplitudes own Endless universe, look at the success of TW: Warhammer. Amplitude have already made several Endless games, and personally I'm not a massive fan of Endless Legend, I just thought it would be the ideal pairing of IP and studio in the same way CA was with WH.....and given how both studios are owned by SEGA it may actually be an inevitability, especially if Dawn of War 3 is a big hit for Relic. 

I'd be happy enough with an Endless Space 3 but I was just throwing it out there considering how popular 40k mods are for space 4x games....

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