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AMPLITUDE Studios on Linux

I hope this :]
I don't want this :|
Is a very great idea !
Why not already in Linux? :(
AMPLITUDE Studios on Linux and not only this company ...
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7 years ago
May 15, 2018, 6:50:27 PM

I'm very satisfied with Linux, but the problem is the company not spend energy on Linux. Spend energy for marketing, sponsors, and other things, but not for open source, probably why this actual planetary system is like a dictatures. But I think the open source is the way to go out from this system of fake-democracy (in Informatics). Any intention to support AMPLITUDE Studios products in Linux platform (such as Steam OS)?

Update (04|07|2018): Linux (4) win counter not Linux (2).

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 30, 2018, 8:01:10 PM

I hope this.

My actual windows computer is a seven and is the last windows i will have, because i don't want and accept the way microsoft has takne with w10.

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6 years ago
Sep 24, 2018, 1:30:59 PM

66% want Amplitude on Linux!

33% nope

At the moment: 24/09/2018

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6 years ago
Jan 29, 2019, 8:16:57 AM

Pliz do this

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