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General forum searches offering unusable links.

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7 years ago
Aug 21, 2018, 6:32:14 PM

I typed in Pirate Diplomacy.

It gave me a WeaponizedCaffeine GDD 19 thread link:


clicked on link and ERROR ERROR ERROR


Just wanted to make devs aware of this issue.

Side Note: Are there ways a humble gamer such as myself could participate in such activities as those hinted at in such links? I do try to be very active in both bug reporting and idea creation/discussion for multiple Amplitude Games. How does one go about transitioning from NSIP (not so important persons) to VIP (very important persons)?

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7 years ago
Aug 24, 2018, 12:32:26 AM

I noticed the GGD19 Link was no longer given as a direct search result, but it still exists in the [ MORE RESULTS ... ] listings.

I am not sure if changes were made due to my report, but if they were, they were only half-effective.

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7 years ago
Aug 24, 2018, 7:23:06 AM

Nevermind. I just got the original link from the same search without going into MORE RESULTS ...

This is the message I receive when clicking the link provided:

"Your session has been extended"

"An error occured with your last action. Please reload or contact an administrator if this error persists."

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7 years ago
Aug 24, 2018, 7:44:11 AM

I believe the Devs are aware of this issue.

As for how join in with these things you need not become a VIP, the thread is from a closed beta test which comprised of people who applied, There will be chances for joining betas in the future just keep an eye on the dev blogs as they normally announce them with a sign up form.

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