... get a free license of Endless Space 2?

Don't get me wrong, it is not about lack of money. I am origianally from Toulouse, France I am an IT tech support in the US for about 25 years so I get my paychecks.

What I am referring to is what could I do to help Amplitude Studios be even more successful...

I discovered Endless Legend on Steam not long ago and I am already past my 500 turns on the map. Can't wait to play some more.

I am also reading & learning about Endless Space 2. Downloaded Endless Space 1 which I will enjoy this coming weekend.

I really like your game visions and mechanics and you are right on point with the community.

I have been thinking to return to France, Paris more precisely and would love to contribute to your team... So what can I do to get a free license of Endless Space 2?

Thx Amplitude Studios for delivering such great games.

Bonne journee a tous.
