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Mobile Games2Gether Issues

I have had issues making threads and comments using Games2Gether on mobile
I have had issues with the arrangement of items on the screen and them moving too much/often using Games2Gether on mobile
I have had other issues using Games2Gether on mobile
I have not had any issues using Games2Gether on mobile
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6 years ago
Feb 27, 2019, 12:49:51 PM

Does anyone else have trouble when using the Games2Gether platform on their phone?

I use an iPhone 6+ Chrome and there seem to be some issues:

  • The biggest issue is that when making threads you often can't hit "post" because it is hidden behind the text area
  • There are times when trying to slide or zoom when the screen just starts shaking because it can't decide what should be in focus or selected
  • There are other issues, but I'm just curious if everyone has the same issues or not

Thanks for everyone's input!

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6 years ago
Feb 27, 2019, 9:54:02 PM

Thanks for those who are voting!

FYI, I forgot to make the poll multiple choice so just choose the one that's been bothering you the most!

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