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6 years ago
Apr 30, 2019, 8:36:58 AM


As announced earlier in our responsive dev blog, here is the thread to keep you posted on the fixes and updates on the platform.

  • Responsive: you can see all the details in our dev blog
  • Upvote button: we noticed that the upvote button on threads, ideas, contests and questions was not clear enough, so we moved it to the breadcrumb. We also redesigned the icon

  • Copy to clipboard: you can now copy directly to clipboard the link to a specific post

  • Several full game rewards: we added Love Thyself  (a Horatio Story) on the Rewards page. We hope you will enjoy it!

  • Dev blogs & Votes on Homepage: we changed the display rules of the featured dev blogs and votes in order to show you more relevant content
  • Favicons: we have rolled out new versions for all browsers

We hope you enjoy the changes and if you encounter any issue, don't hesitate to create a new thread on the Tech Support forum.

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5 years ago
Mar 20, 2020, 1:50:53 PM


  • We have just pushed a fresh new version of Account! No real changes for you though, we are just using different technologies behind.

  • Some changes have been made to the editor.

    - The buttons display is now responsive and changes according to your screen width.

    - By default, styles are removed when you paste a content. It prevents to have undesired background or colors when you're pasting translations for example.

    - You can now easily manage styles when you're adding a picture.

  • A new cookie system have been pushed! You can now manage what cookies you want to allowed, no matter if you are authenticated or not.

    - Not authenticated

    - Authenticated
Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Apr 17, 2020, 1:50:27 PM


  • From now, you can delete your G2G account by yourselves, directly in your Account.

  • We have added the option to mention user in your messages. Just type @ followed by the username you want to find, this user will receive a notification.

    When the message will be posted, other users will have access to the user profile. Example: @raspberly  
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5 years ago
May 15, 2020, 9:23:32 AM


  • Quotes: We simplified the way to quote message. You can now select the part of a message you want to quote and select the left button to quote and the right button to copy the url.

    Multiquoting is also simplified. After you quoted your first content, just hover another part you want to quote. You will see the number of quotes in your message.

  • Full date: If you want to see the full date when a comment was posted, just hover the comment date.

  • All threads: A new list with the list of all treads is now available! You can find it directly on the homepage on the website by clicking on the "more threads" button.

  • Filter questions: An option to filter questions by last replied have been added on the Browse questions page.
Updated 5 years ago.
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