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Umbral Choir Forum Avatar?

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5 years ago
Nov 10, 2019, 10:52:45 PM

(First, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question. Please tell me if I'm wrong here)


after I've been active in this forum for a month now I have a question about the avatars for the game Endless Space 2.

Personally, I prefer the Umbral Choir, so I would like to personify my profile with an avatar from the Umbral Choir. Now I am either just blind or I just haven't unlocked the avatars, but I can not find an avatar for that "species", so I just wanted to ask if they will be added at some point or if I just have to unlock them...

(I'm sorry for my bad english. I am not a native speaker)

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5 years ago
Nov 11, 2019, 12:09:05 AM

From what I understand there haven't been any new forum avatars, titles, etc. released (apart from the ones for the Love Thyself game) since the Inferno DLC for Endless Legend last summer. Which is sad, I'd like some Umbral Choir avatars myself.

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