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G2G Problems and Suggestions

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5 years ago
Jan 1, 2020, 9:08:19 PM

Just some things I've noticed over the past while that have been bothering me that probably have already been noticed, but:

  • Applying any formatting and then trying to turn it off results in the following text being of the same formatting. The only way to fix it as far as I've seen is to copy and paste unformatted text.
  • Copying and pasting text keeps the background color and font instead of adapting them into the site's theme, resulting in a lot of posts looking odd.
  • Lack of preventative measures to stop bots from spamming and advertising, it's slowly gotten worse and it is starting to get annoying, as well as kills the mood of the forum.
  • Login issues, I'll ocassionally be spammed with "Your session has been extended" for a period of 2-5 minutes with the page frozen and being unable to do anything, I've seen a lot of other issues related to logging in being talked about on the VIP Discord, but this is the only one I've experienced
  • Private Messaging - hitting send often refuses to do anything.
  • Lack of promotion of the discord, I don't see any easy to access place to join the discord, which is where most conversation takes place.
  • Lack of profile customization, all we can really customize is our title, avatar, badges, and signature, giving the option of profile backgrounds and linking our Discord, Reddit, Twitch, and Steam accounts publically would be welcome additions. I often find myself needing to communicate with people off platform, and that would make it easier.
  • No real promotion of modding, it would be cool if there was an ability to post mods onto G2G in addition to steam, as the workshop can oftentimes be quite fickle, and posting them on G2G would allow for unorthadox mods such as ELCP and Saint of Grey's project to be downloadable in a more public place.
  • I've also heard from the moderators that a lot of moderation options are currently unfunctional and confusing, I wouldn't know much about that, but hopefully this'll bring more attention to that.

This concludes most of my complaints, hopefully some/most of this could be fixed and added. Thanks for reading!

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jan 2, 2020, 8:51:45 AM


First, thanks for the feedback.

For the text formatting part, we will look into what we can do with the editor we use.

The bot is a constant struggle, as it's an arms race between us updating the "prevent bot" techs against bot user having new way of bypassing said tech. We may try to add those tech to the "post" function on top of the registering.

For the login issue, we will look into it, but as we will roll out a new login brick this may change for the better.

Private messaging: do you have any additionnal information? This is new to us, so if you have some info that you can grab on your browser, I'll be interested.

Discord: We will discuss that internally to see what is the goal of discord for us and promote it in a way that convey what the usage is (for exemple: bad place to discuss problem with the g2g as we are not on it :D ).

Profile Customization: I add this to the backlog, it would be a good idea to allow user to add those thing. Good idea. For now you can add different urls to your profile (so you can add for exemple your steam profile url), but we will see if we can made them more available.

Promotion of modding: I add the idea, we may engage with the community to know better in which shape it would be more useful for you.

Moderation: we just rolled out a new moderation version, that should be more usable, we will wait for feedback from the team in charge of the moderation to then evolve it as necessary.

I hope I've answered every question you had, if not don't hesitate!

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5 years ago
Jan 2, 2020, 3:05:50 PM

The Site is not so usable currently, As I think the new mod tools need Dev permissions to function, which we mods don't have and so they get confused about not being able to get stuff.

To make the site even usable I have to use Firefox dev tools to block all Api/[My Profile ID]?include=Ban xhr requests as they all return Unauthorized action(s) Read for resources UserBan. 

Which the tools don't understand so they continue to request it 54 times a second indefinitely (well untill the site then decides we are DDoSing and logs us out. After refreshing my login every 2 seconds before that)

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jan 2, 2020, 4:20:19 PM

All seems to be working now, Including the new moderation tools.

Only issue is that Inscription date (which I'm sure there is a better word for) and Last activity is set to today for everyone but that seems to be what the API itself is reporting

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5 years ago
Jan 2, 2020, 7:39:57 PM

Wow! Admins responded. Glad the moderator thing got the attention it needed, but as a response to what Sobert said:

For the text formatting, Ctrl Shift V works to get rid of the background, only other thing I think that might help when talking about that.

I'd imagine the bot thing would suck, glad it's been noticed though.

For the login issue, Cyrob posted a few images of what's going on if you don't already know:

About the discord, is mostly just a place to organize games, ask for help about how to play, to discuss lore theories and have general conversations unrelated to Amplitude. 

Modding and Profile Customization would be awesome if you could ever get to it, if you need any examples, the Chucklefish website is more of what I had in mind. Hopefully letting ELCP have its own official area to organize things.

Thanks for the response, wasn't expecting one at all!

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5 years ago
Jan 3, 2020, 8:21:32 AM

For the discord, for example you seem to have discussed many issue with the G2G website on it and we are unaware of those, so we need to display the discord in a way that convey the usage for it, in order to not lost the feedback from the community that we need here to keep track of (the same goes for game related issues). We will try to think of a good way to promote it.

We will look into the the login issue.

For the modding part basically what would be nice is to have our own "nexus mod", and it's a very good idea. We will see how we can integrate it and get back to the community with some ideas to see what would be best.

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5 years ago
Jan 3, 2020, 9:49:58 AM
CyRob wrote:

All seems to be working now, Including the new moderation tools.

Only issue is that Inscription date (which I'm sure there is a better word for) and Last activity is set to today for everyone but that seems to be what the API itself is reporting

The API has been updated, you should now see the correct dates.
For the wording for "Inscription date", it will be included in the next G2G update :)

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5 years ago
Jan 3, 2020, 8:02:54 PM

Yeah seems to be fine now, the Issues I was talking about on Discord are ones that you have now fixed.

A Nexus like site feature would be quite nice especial if it could be integrated with upcoming game (can understand past games the development being finished)

And by that I mean something such as Terraria TMod in-game mod browser allowing all modding setup to be done in-game

One other issue is that profile stats might not be getting updated, I.e. Phonograf posted this question yet their profile has 0 questions posted.

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5 years ago
Jan 8, 2020, 4:24:50 AM

Other suggestions I have, see total G2G upvote points in inventory and posting updates when the site is updated. Thanks for reading my suggestions!

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5 years ago
Jan 8, 2020, 7:40:57 AM


We are trying to improve our communication toward the community but we have worked a lot recently on technical improvements and moderation feature, so not really improvement for you day to day lives, but we are now back on those.

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5 years ago
Jan 8, 2020, 11:02:34 AM
CyRob wrote:

One other issue is that profile stats might not be getting updated, I.e. Phonograf posted this question yet their profile has 0 questions posted.

The questions count for users is now up-to-date :)

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