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Hidden Games2Gether Badges

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5 years ago
Apr 23, 2020, 10:01:25 AM

This is a list of G2G badges which do not show up in your profile. All of them except the first twelve can no longer be obtained.

HUMANKIND ENTHUSIAT (sic) - Participate in 1 Humankind Contest
This badge is automatically unlocked when you create a meme here and download it while logged in.

MEME MAKER - To be one of the What If category winners

MEME MASTER - To be one of the What If Weekly winners

MEME GENIUS - To be the big winner of the What If contest

SUPPORTER - Encourage 10 friends to subscribe to the newsletter

I suspect this is from before the new refer-a-friend system. I don't have 10 friends interested enough to test if it is still available. Oddly haraf has this although he does not have INITIATOR - Get 5 Referrers.

INVENTOR - Get 10 Followers for an Idea

I presume this is suspended until the ideas section is reopened for the next game.

CATALYST - Receive 10 Votes for an Idea

GAME CHANGER - Get 1 of my Ideas in a game

VIP - Have eyes wide open

VIPs are hand picked members from the community. You can read more here.

MODERATOR - Be watching you…

I have read that the moderators are volunteers, but I couldn't find any information about applying to be a moderator.

ADMIN - Be in control

DEV TEAM - Be part of the Dev Team

You can see Amplitude's career page here. Amplitude's HQ is in Paris, France.

SPACE NINJA - Sneak in places no one should have…

This was given to Alderbranch, Sharidann and Znork for finding the new forums before they were announced.

OLD-TIMER - Participate on the previous GAMES2GETHER Platform

GAMES2GETHER FOUNDER - Be here the month everything started

E.N.F.E.R. - Make contact with E.N.F.E.R.
This was part of a promotion before ES2, and as far as I'm aware can no longer be obtained. E.N.F.E.R. is a system for communicating with the AI in ES2 to understand its decisions. 
Here is an article describing it at the time, and here are patch notes about it. This was the URL for talking to it during the promotion.

 E.N.F.E.R. LOCKDOWN - Help locking down E.N.F.E.R.

 GUEST STAR - Be our guest and is a star

Given to the members of NGD here. kassapa, VadimMelkay, CaptainNexus, Ladypandora, and Kelo have it. There should also be a user NL who has it, but no such user exists.

The following are unique awards given to people for designing major features:

THE AUTOMATONS - Design the Automatons

Given to Panzer.

THE ORGANIC SHIP - Design the Organic Ship

Given to DotBeta.

VULTUU - Design Vultuu

Given to TheMassive.

ROSETTA - Design Rosetta

Given to wkinchlea.

THE UNFALLEN - Design the Unfallen

Given to DevildogFF.

THE CULTISTS OF THE ETERNAL END - Design the Cultists of the Eternal End
Given to 

 I believe the following were awarded for preordering Amplitude's games, and are linked to your steam account's purchase date of the game.

ENDLESS SPACE FOUNDER - Support Endless Space's development

ENDLESS SPACE 2 FOUNDER - Support Endless Space 2's development

DUNGEON OF THE ENDLESS FOUNDER - Support Dungeon of the Endless' development

ENDLESS LEGEND FOUNDER - Support Endless Legend's development

Bonus trivia - the devs are not on the G2G leaderboards, but I believe secretly DarkHerumor is on top of the leaderboards with 60,400 points. And SpaceTroll, the founder of Amplitude, has no unique badge.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Apr 23, 2020, 10:28:02 AM

Fun fact: Being from the new generation most of the web team didn't know what exactly Space Ninja was refering too (and we were too ambarassed to ask some of our senior to be honest). Thanks for finding out for us ^^.

Also while DarkHerumor has a lot of G2G point he's not the one with the most points.....

Also also, moderators are VIPs that have the time to keep an eye on all of the forum, there is no formal way to apply as a moderator, as the community is still kinda small we don't need more of them right now.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 5, 2020, 11:03:11 PM

So.. Uh.. I figured out who is on top of the leaderboards. @E.N.F.E.R. has uh.. 144,800 points and nearly every badge, including unique badges belonging to other people. DarkHerumor still has the highest points of any person, as far as I'm aware.

Using E.N.F.E.R.'s profile I was able to finish the master post with badges I was missing. I'd also like to note that it doesn't have every badge, in fact it only owns one ES2 DLC. I guess it's too broke for the rest.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 6, 2020, 1:16:18 AM

Game Changer isn't available anymore either, as the suggestions forum is locked. It doesn't surprise me that ENFER is in first place though. You might want to update the list of badges with the new ones like the Endless Summer and Endless Day badges, as well as the upcoming Humankind badge that's been hinted at

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5 years ago
Jul 6, 2020, 1:27:08 AM

Game Changer and Catalyst will be available once they reopen the ideas section, which The-Cat-o-Nine-Tails confirmed will happen here. Endless Summer and Endless Day aren't hidden badges - you can see them in your profile. I made this thread because I wanted to see what hidden badges there were that aren't displayed in the profile section and if I could get any of them. I shared what I learned in case anyone else was curious.

Updated 5 years ago.
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