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Is there any way to change line or paragraph spacing?

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4 years ago
Dec 7, 2020, 3:16:38 AM

Is there any way to change line&paragraph spacing? Reading a very long thread without enough space among lines is somewhat confusing and hard.

Of course one can tab Enter twice to simulate line space value of 2.0 (like in Microsoft Word 2016)

However, as the window-size of a thread changes, Text editor automatically wrap texts, so it is sometimes hard to predict.

And among all of the options of the text editor, I failed to find anything related to line spacing. Only paragraph style of "spaced"

Just like this line. But this one is related to horizontal space.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Dec 8, 2020, 6:12:46 AM
Eulogos wrote:

If there was such a feature you'd only be able to edit your own posts. Instead I recommend installing an extension into your browser such as the one below to edit the spacing of any website you visit.


Looks like I have to use a web-browser extension or plugin... Thanks though!

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