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Why can't I upgrade my 2nd ES2 bandage?

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4 years ago
Jan 22, 2021, 5:34:20 PM

I pre-ordered the new DLC "Dark Matter" on Steam, and I have sync my steam connect for four times. But the bandage keeps bronze. it is a bug or I should wait until the DLC available?

btw, how can I get the AMPLIFIED bandage? Where can I participate in an "Amplified" event? here G2G or twitch or somewhere else?

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4 years ago
Jan 22, 2021, 10:57:01 PM

Pretty sure its something to do with steam, preorder does not exactly mean you own the game yet, because you are free to refund before the game's (or in this case the dlc)release. So the badge is gonna be locked until when it actually comes out. Same with the endless legend dlc. As for the amplified badge. Resyncing with steam should work.

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