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Thank you, Amplitude

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4 years ago
Jan 24, 2021, 12:42:39 AM

10 years. That's something. 

I was late to Endless Space, finding it after it had been released for a bit of time. But it made me take notice. It was the first space 4x that I thought was good enough to be talked about with Moo2 (I think I can use the acronym and everyone at Amplitude knows what game I am talking about). In fact, for multiplayer due to the speed of the battles I even thought it was superior.

I definitely kept an eye out for you guys since then.

Thank you very much for the many hours of entertainment you have given me over the years. In total, throughout the Endless universe I have spent as of today over 1275 hours of enjoyment. That is quite a feat considering I have a full time job, a part time programming gig, a family with 2 kids that have grown up and also have enjoyed the endless games. (Well one has. You can only lead them to water).

That's just me. My significant other enjoys the games too. No, I mean really really. She has over 1630 hours in the Endless universe, many of them spent playing with me. Granted she occasionally leaves the game running after sleepy time, but that only accounts for a hundred hours or so.

So very much thank you. In fact 2,905 thanks. I look forward to Endless Dungeon & Humankind and seeing how many hours go into that. Perhaps I will post in 10 years with 5,000 thanks.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jan 25, 2021, 11:56:10 AM

Hey Skarnor

Your words are very heartwarming. Reading that you are enjoying the games and the universe with your loved one puts a huge smile on my face.  It's always a pleasure to be compared positively to titans of the genre like Moo2, and I hope our future games will too get on the same level, or maybe even push the ceiling even further!

To your many thanks, I can only answer with mine, your message means a lot.

So thank you, and here's to 10 more years of awesome times together.


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4 years ago
Jan 26, 2021, 5:19:15 PM

2,905 you're welcomes! Thank you for the kind words.

A lot of game development -- and particularly these days -- is jumping off the cliff and learning to fly on the way down. We don't always know how things are going to work and how they are going to be accepted, so it's good to hear that we don't always land with a splat :) 

We hope that Humankind and Endless Dungeon live up to your expectations, and who knows... maybe one day we'll release a game that your other kid will also want to play!

Thanks again and stay healthy,


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