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What are G2G points and how do you get them?

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4 years ago
Aug 21, 2021, 5:39:02 AM

G2G points are used when voting. Generally, there are two places you can vote (at the time of writing):

  1. On posts (click the vote button next to the star)
  2. On game design votes
The more points you have, the more your vote counts towards the thing you want on a game design vote. 

To obtain points, you need to obtain badges. (Go to Profile -> Badges to see what those badges are). Badges are earned from participating on G2G, owning amplitude games and earning achievements, and joining things like OpenDev. Contrary to popular belief, badges like moderator, VIP, developer, and admin do not (currently) provide any points.

In order to obtain badges that require achievements to be completed, you need to sync your steam account (if you hit the gift icon at the top, there will be a screen to do it there). Each time you earn a badge you want to get points for, you need to resync your account.
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