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Advocate for Drakkens in ES3

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4 years ago
Sep 4, 2021, 6:44:25 AM

I know ES3 hasn't even been confirmed let alone announced, but to get this cataloged and out of the way I would like to Propose adding the Drakken as the second Endless Legend faction to appear in a Endless Space game. The reason is, The endless universe's motto is, make your own story, your own universe, your own canon, but the problem for that is you aren't given the tools to make your canon possible, you cant make custom factions that use minor pops as the main species or use Endless Legend species other than the vaulters, even if your canon is that species survived E.L, you can imagine that they live, but you aren't given the tools to experience that. So to help give that idea a good shove, I propose this, add the Drakken, one of the popular and more well known species in E.L into ES3 if that's in the works. Here's how the Drakken would work.

The Drakken find and repair a 3rd crashed ship, the Success, from the dungeon of the endless game, and manage to escape from Auriga as well.

The Drakken would have traits similar to their E.L version, They would be a pacifist faction, due to their old force truce ability but their ability would be a more advanced version of force truce, being able to not only force a truce between nations, but also force peace, and then alliances as well, which was their old ability in E.L. In line with their desire to preserve history they would also have another unique trait that would allow them to discover the locations of endless relics and get fidsi out of the relics.

Their heroes would be 6 heroes to fill all 6 party roles, but some of those heroes is still up for debate.

Researcher Namkang is a clear obvious for being a Scientist hero, being the only Drakken in E.L with a unique design and style, also being referenced at least twice, with a pearl helmet looking like her head and I believe making a appearence in a monstrous tales quest art as well, Nachampassesa would also be another good choice for a pacifist hero, being the starting hero of the Drakken in E.L, it would only be fitting to be the starting hero as well, . Jiraduveja's bio would make him the perfect militarist hero for the Drakken. The industrialist, ecologist and religious hero's are still up for debate though

The minor faction that comes with them as well should be the Nidya, their implied roots as a distant relative of the Hissho and possible connections to the survivors of the grey owl makes them a good candidate for a minor faction.

 Can Amplitude studio catalog this so it can help kickstart the players ability to not only imagine their canon, but be able to play and experience it as well. Perhaps if enough people want, I can do one that expands on the Hissho in a possible ES3 game.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Sep 4, 2021, 5:36:18 PM

who said we had to obey your canon :), I thought the Endless universe was about  making our own canon, your canon may have the drakken die, but other peoples canon may have the drakken live, should we deny those people from experiencing their canon to be in favor of yours?

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Sep 5, 2021, 4:54:11 AM

unfortunately for your canon, we dont have to go with it according to the devs themselves in their topic of canonicity, and we all know you cant go against the devs :).

Updated 4 years ago.
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