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Ideas for Endless Universe Merchandise

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3 years ago
Sep 24, 2021, 7:31:12 AM

I know of a vote years ago about what type of physical product people would want to see from the Endless Universe and the winning vote was merchandise, yet we have seen little if any merchandise in the present day, but if Humankind has a large enough success, I can see that vote becoming reality soon. But What type of merchandise, well I have come up with 2 types of merchandise, ship models and posable figures.

Ship models would allow collectors like me to have our dream endless space fleets on our shelves, imagine having a fleet of Hissho ships on 1 side of a shelf, and Vodyani ships on the other near you while you play ES2.

collectible figures with amazing posabiliity are not only a good way to bring faction heroes into hands of collectors, but also allow us to make our own recreation of scenarios, or our own scenarios, say a person makes a model of a desert and places a hero in the model, and you have a very good looking scenario of a hero on a desert planet doing exploration or on a assignment.

It would make things even better if you have a variety of items and tools for the hero to hold and use, say for example a endless legend hero can have a titanium sword or a adamantium crossbow, maybe even armor or unique objects like the power core or Drakken spheroid. Maybe even different clothing, take Senya Snowridge from ES2 for example, she can have the ceremonial robes for her blood and blade Hissho comic appearance and the black combat suit for her ES2 game appearance.

The only problem for posable figures I see is the design of the endless legend heroes, while more unique heroes like researcher Namkang are recognizable on sight, more base faction heroes are not as easily recognizable, take the Drakken heroes of Masargaka and Jiraduveja for example, their pictures and unit design are literally the same in game, making it much harder to tell who is who, so either one of them must be skipped for production or have their appearance changed to differentiate the 2.

If Humankind becomes a big economic success and Endless Universe merchandise starts to be made in mass,  then posable figures and ship models would be a amazing thing to see in stores and on our shelves at home.

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