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Request for IMMEDIATE resolution to desyncs across all Amplitude games

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3 years ago
Apr 9, 2022, 2:46:11 AM

It has become apparent that Amplitude needs to deal with desync issues across all games.

After having issues with Dungeon of the Endless multiplayer and spending the past two weeks trying to come to a solution it has become quite clear that this issue exists across all Amplitude games.

Humankind has desync issues.

Endless Space has desync issues.

Dungeon of the Endless has desync issues.

Endless Legend has desync issues.

It's reached a point where if this does not get resolved soon you'll soon lose a lot of fans.  I'm no programmer but I can see when a game does not function as intended and none of these games seem to function as intended.  Either bring in some experts or get your network programmers to actually deal with this.

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