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Request regarding the Unity/ironSource merger and future Amplitude projects

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3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 9:12:57 PM

For quite some time now, Amplitude games have been my go-to example of the fact that games made in Unity can be rich, fulfilling, beautiful experiences. What the studio has consistently accomplished in the engine is impressive.

However, today Unity announced that they are merging with ironSource, a company known primarily for installCore. installCore is an installer platform that allowed embedding ads, harvesting user data, charging users on a per-installation basis, and was so frequently used as a vector for malware and fraud (as in, individuals would use it to put up official-looking third-party downloads for software) that it is widely flagged as malware. The company's current focus is still on app monetization, particularly through the use of ads (and therefore user data harvesting).

Naturally, this raises significant questions about the integrity of Unity Engine going forward. I do not imagine this will be much of an issue for games built on any existing version of Unity so far (including Endless Dungeon), and given that the news only broke today and would take any responsible organization time to weigh the options I do not anticipate confirmation one way or another on whether Amplitude will continue to use the engine on future projects.

Still, I felt it was important to mention this news here in the hope that when the time comes for future project kickoffs that may use versions of Unity Engine released after the Unity/ironSource merger, consideration may be given to shifting away from Unity to other engines like Godot. I understand that this would involve walking away from a nontrivial chunk of institutional engine familiarity, but I trust that the studio can continue to excel at mechanics, UI, and UX design regardless of the engine used. I do not want to be in the position of having to weigh the privacy of my personal information or the security of my computer against the desire to play, hypothetically, Endless Legend 2.

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3 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 9:38:09 PM

I won't say that I have a great feeling about this deal, but from what I have read it looks like Unity is acquiring IronSource (not exactly merging) and will make IronSource a subsidiary of Unity.  So Unity will be in control of the advertising operations and not vice-versa.  This seems like a low-ish privacy risk considering that Unity has been perfectly capable of injecting whatever data-harvesting malware they want into their engine for years now.  Just because Unity has new advertising tools in their toolbox hopefully doesn't mean that the Unity leadership will change their philosophy with regard to privacy.  So I'll go out on a limb and say that the intent here is merely to boost their advertising options for mobile games and leave PC gaming mostly unaffected, but I guess anything is possible.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jul 14, 2022, 12:12:55 AM

Amplitude has source code access to Unity, even making making large changes for Humankind's asset system. Even in the worst case scenario (Which I'm doubtful of) I expect they would be completely insulated from it. Not that any of their game would use installers nor is it something particular with IronSource (Bad actors can make malware with Unity if they wanted to, just no good reason to, though supposedly there is a Discord scam doing so)

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3 years ago
Jul 16, 2022, 8:46:05 PM

unity has also laid off hundreds of workers 2 weeks after promising that no one will be laid off,  and the CEO (who just happens to be a former EA ceo) also called developers who dont use Microtransactions "Idiots" (implying Monetization for unity), no doubt Unity is heading into a dark future. Many are ditching/consdiering to ditch unity for other game Engines. For Future games, It might be better for Amplitude to use a different game engine like many are doing, say the  Unreal engine.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jul 16, 2022, 9:31:47 PM

Unreal isn't particularly a great choice for 4X games. I don't expect them to stop using Unity simply because all of their codebase uses it and it'd cost quite a bit to redevelop it for another game engine. Frankly, I'd just expect them to make their own game engine if they were to change anything at all.

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3 years ago
Jul 16, 2022, 10:58:47 PM
CaptainCobbs wrote:

Unreal isn't particularly a great choice for 4X games. I don't expect them to stop using Unity simply because all of their codebase uses it and it'd cost quite a bit to redevelop it for another game engine. Frankly, I'd just expect them to make their own game engine if they were to change anything at all.

I fear they may have to, with unity merging with a known Malware company, people will no longer trust Unity like they use to, and will probably not want any future games that use unity on their PC, while previous games like ES2 and EL will still be safe as they are no longer being updated and will most likely remain the way they are right now, future Amplitude games may be scrutinized for using Unity. Its already well known that the CEO of unity intends to monetize the engine which will only push people further away from said engine.

now Unity most likely wont try to shove malware or other unwanted products into their engine as they can get into legal troubles, but the merger alone has destroyed the trust of thousands of players and hundreds of developer's, So while Games like Endless Dungeon may be safe right now as nothing has changed yet, I hope Amplitude at least experiment with other engines so that should Unity really hit the fan, Amplitude can have a backup engine.

Updated 3 years ago.
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