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On Amplitude games subreddits

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4 months ago
Jun 5, 2024, 4:14:29 PM

Hi, a question to Amplitude Studios, and a call for help. What's the status of r/EndlessSpace, r/EndlessLegend, r/dungeonoftheendless, r/HumankindTheGame ?

Are these subreddits considered to be official in status?

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4 months ago
Jun 5, 2024, 4:16:07 PM

We tend to keep an eye but they are owned by the community!
For example, in Endless Dungeon subreddit I have tried to share the updates as well

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4 months ago
Jun 5, 2024, 5:43:22 PM

Appreciate the quick reply. So, I've had a weird conflict with moderator there, and it is awkward for me to ask for help here, but I was left out of options to resolve anything there, at least for now.

It all started in a r/EndlessSpace subreddit. In a span of 6 months I've made a dozen reports on a specific redditor, that I suspected of farming karma with bots by posting low effort shitposts. Now, to my knowledge, r/EndlessSpace doesn't have clear rules for subreddit, but vote manipulation is against site wide policy. So, I've decided to report those. When using "report" command, I was met with category choice, and I chose "Spam", followed by "Excessive posts or comments in a community", as I found those most applicable. Nothing else was asked of me, as you can see in following screenshots of the forms:

Then, a week ago, under a fresh shitpost, I've decided to ask, why is this behavior continues, and no moderation action is taken. In a day a moderator u/LG03 finally responded, but immediately went hostile on me. They falsely accused me of reporting "every single one of his posts" of said redditor, which isn't true. I never reported them anywhere outside of r/EndlessSpace and first started doing so only six months ago. Meaning I didn't act on old posts and only on current at the time.

Then I was told I didn't provide any explanations to my reports, but as I've demonstrated above, there was no form option to provide such under chosen categories. They followed with false accusation, that I had personal vendetta against the user, even though I'm not familiar with them, never ever talked to them before and have no personal quarrel with them of any kind. All I knew is that redditor probably manipulated votes on their posts. So by making report, I'm at least notifying subreddit's moderator that something is going on there, and if multiple people see what I see and report it too, then maybe some other hidden site wide prevention mechanism is at place.

Then moderator proceeded with threat to ban me instead and escalate report abuse to admins. My intention never was to abuse reports. I don't believe this qualifies as report abuse. And if u/LG03 still believes it is - I don't mind them being escalated to admins. I'm sure they'll see otherwise.

I've briefly tried to explain myself and was replied that my reports are baseless and that "I was only caught because I decided to out yourself" (of what?). Given I had no clue if reports from other redditors were present, and moderator said reports were by nature always anonymous, I've noted that if there were several reporters, then only I was accused now of report abuse. 

Seeing biased and hostile attitude towards me, and truth be told, my replies weren't radiating respect and joy either, I've simply blocked said spammer, as moderator suggested. Then I informed them that I did to consider incident closed. 

And then I receive permanent ban out of the blue in not just one, but in 4 subreddits, even though other three weren't part of the conflict I describe here and I didn't visit them in some time:

  • r/EndlessSpace 
  • r/EndlessLegend 
  • r/dungeonoftheendless
  • r/HumankindTheGame

I wasn't banned only from r/EndlessDungeonGame, because, my luck, this person doesn't moderate that one. 

Then moderator blesses me with one last message

> you just conviniently decided that they all came from me.

Helps that you admitted it but sure, let's act like I randomly picked you out of the crowd.

Admitted what? That I've acted in good faith when used report function, because I thought moderator action should be taken? I sure did. I even openly asked about moderator inaction, seeing that my reports changed nothing. Admitted, that this particular moderator accused me to have "an axe to grind", and then displayed for everyone to see, that THEY are the one that have irrational bias towards me? Yeah, that certainly happened.

Having last dim hope, that this is just one huge misunderstanding between us, as I've picked a wrong tone to communicate, I've messaged to /u/LG03 directly and exchange went as follows

to LG03

> And? What was that about?

from LG03

> What was what about? This would appear to be my private DMs where I do not respond to anything but private matters.

to LG03

> True. I'll kindly ask to discuss private matter then, please.

And then they've block me. And muted from all subreddits they moderate for a month, before I even try to reach to other moderators.

To me this looks like clear case of moderator action abuse due to personal dislike. I didn't break any subreddit rules. r/EndlessSpace has none specified, other three weren't even involved. If they'd truly believe that I've abused report system - they should've escalate it as such, as they warned. What was permanent ban from Amplitude only subreddits for? It doesn't even prevent me from making further reports, and I've made none after the warning! How is that a proper enforcement action then? Is this how Amplitude Studios wish them to be represented there? Am I not a part of community, to which subreddits belong, as you say? I don't believe it's up to one person to decide that.

Edit: I didn't clarify, but ban reason was never provided to me.

Updated 4 months ago.
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4 months ago
Jun 6, 2024, 3:22:01 PM

Hello Sublustris,

As Daarkarrow already mention, the subreddits are community owned. We do technically have moderation rights, but in practice we have had a hands-off policy when it comes to moderation, as they were meant to be spaces by players for players. We really only used the moderator privileges to see some additional stats on how well different threads were doing. In fact, we've been discussing stepping down even from that, as we think we need to focus our efforts on G2G, Steam, and our Discord.

So I'm afraid that we cannot help you in this case, even if we would have handled the situation differently.

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4 months ago
Jun 6, 2024, 4:06:02 PM

Hello, and I appreciate your response. There is another issue and the reason I asked my original question. These subreddits then appear to violate "Rule 2: Set Appropriate and Reasonable Expectations" of Moderator code of conduct :

Moderators can ensure people have predictable experiences on Reddit by doing the following:

  • ...
  • Explicitly marking your community as “unofficial” in the community description if the topic concerns a brand or company, but the community isn’t officially affiliated.

Because none are marked as unofficial, I can definitely tell that my experiences there were anything but predictable, as the result. I hope Amplitude acknowledges, that they too are interested in them being marked as such.

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4 months ago
Jun 6, 2024, 7:21:58 PM

LG03 has proven himself to be a huge poo head every time I've interacted with him, hope you can figure it out man

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4 months ago
Jun 7, 2024, 8:34:42 AM
Sublustris wrote:
Hello, and I appreciate your response. There is another issue and the reason I asked my original question. These subreddits then appear to violate "Rule 2: Set Appropriate and Reasonable Expectations" of Moderator code of conduct :

Thanks for bringing this up. We'll make sure to raise this with LG03 once we have decided whether we lay down our moderator privileges or not.

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3 months ago
Jul 4, 2024, 6:33:14 PM

Sorry, but it appears your claims of subreddits belonging to community are false. These subs are clearly belong to one person only - LG03, who singlehandedly decides who can and who can not participate in them based on the level of personal animosity.

Today code of conduct was updated with clearer explanations and examples of rule application:

Rule 2 of the Moderator Code of Conduct states that mods should “set appropriate and reasonable expectations.” This ensures that community members have predictable experiences when visiting your community and readily understand what is or isn’t off-topic.  

Common violations of this rule include:

  • Mislabeling content and communities. A community should be marked 18+ (found in Community Settings) if the community’s topic is about mature content. If you only allow occasional mature content, that content should be marked NSFW.
  • Suddenly changing the set expectations of the community. This includes behavior that abruptly and without reason prohibits community members from their usual engagement in the community. 
  • Mislabeling your community as “official” if it is about a company or a brand, but not professionally affiliated. To properly label your community, you should add a note about it being unofficial or official in the description.

To set appropriate and reasonable expectations, you should also set up rules so your community members know what is expected of them.

Updated 3 months ago.
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