For the longest time five slots for favorite badges had been enough to highlight at least one badge from each game and one from the G2G platform.

Now however, with the release of Humankind next month and Endless Dungeon already announced, it is time to increase the number of slots for favorite badges to 7!

I think it es VERY important for the success as a game-developer to have a great community that is very connected with your games. That's why the option to highlight some special badges on a profile is such a good thing! It makes people play the game even more to unlock special achievement and therefore special badges on the G2G platform, giving some kind of satisfaction and prestige.

The problem is if most of these hard to get badges will just go under in a flood of other badges because let's be honest, most people will only recognize the big highlighted badges while in the forum:

I have this wonderful rare E.N.F.E.R. badge. Did you noticed it? No? Because it was no highlighted!

So to strengthen community's bond to your games it should be possible to highlight at least one badge from each of your games and one from the G2G platform.

This means you need to increase the number of slots for favorite badges to 7:

Sincerely, Khaar.