...And until proven otherwise, we are humans glued to the Earth.

The next 4x I'd like is a game where the goal would be to aurigaform Auriga (or terraform the Earth) to make it livable for as long as possible, with resources whose transformation requires energy according to a set of rules like these:

Some resources are sustainable, others are localized and in limited supply.

The destruction of a resource requires energy.

The destruction of a resource releases energy.

The use of any energy requires resources.

The use of any energy creates heat, the ultimate form of energy.

The use of any fossil energy creates residues that have an impact on the planet: CO2 or transuranics in the case of nuclear energy.

(for the lore: all energy has for origin the stars).

The energies would be present in more or less immediate and improvable forms:

Animal energy (including human's work), Solar and wind energy from the beginning of the game.

The energy of combustion after the discovery of fire.

Fossil energy after the discovery of mining

... I let you imagine the consequences of the discovery of agriculture, industrialization and colonialism. That's enough to give you an idea of the game I've been waiting for years... actually since CIV 2.

Horatio's creation is a form of defeat, or a victory that would involve the destruction of the planet's habitability (and IMHO, Horatio is nothing short of a successful Elon Musk).

I'd like a symmetrical Horatio that is a victory condition meaning a sustainable planet...a black woman named Angela?

What to do with the Mist? That's a better name than Dollar, right?