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Alliance Changes Should Trigger a Vote by Members


7 years ago
Jan 31, 2018, 1:38:41 PM

Alliances can often be frustrating in this game. The AI's will randomly invite others into the alliances, accept peace, cause wars, etc without others in the Alliance giving any consent, or advanced notice.

I would suggest that changes that would affect all Alliance members should go up for a vote.

Updated 8 days ago.
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4 years ago
Feb 13, 2021, 2:42:40 PM

This would definitely be a great quality of life feature, when playing with AI I tend to avoid alliances purely for this reason, I'll be working hard to balance my friendships with all the other civilizations and then bam, suddenly I'm at war, so I can either anger one side by going to war with them, or anger my allies for breaking the alliance. Looking at the Federation features in Stellaris would, I feel, be a good starting point for how it might work.

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