Currently clicking an anchor link rarely leads to where it’s meant to.
E.g. This Link Is meant to take you to ambiguity’s post at the end of the page, which to be fair you do go to for a very brief moment but then images start loading in and each time an image loads above the post your view is shifted up by its height until you end up being over halfway up the page when your meant to be at the bottom.
This happens with links to any post (including on blogs & votes) that have images in posts before them.
(unless the posts with images are so small that they don't go above the minimum post height)
I suggest that the space an image will take up when fully loaded should be already taken up when the post loads (most likely with just black space, but it could also be a placeholder)
I will admit my HTML is rusty so I can’t promise good example implementation methods or knowledge of if there is a simple way of doing it. The best way I can think of would be having all images in their own div which has a min-height set to the image’s height.
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