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The possibility of a fanatic location Dungeon of the Endless


6 years ago
Apr 28, 2019, 8:39:20 AM

Is it possible to share and indicate files to translate the game? Fans will locate the game themselves if there is a hint as to how.

Updated 9 days ago.
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6 years ago
May 3, 2019, 10:12:10 AM

You can find the localization files in SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Dungeon of the Endless\Public\Localization.

If you want to mod it (for example make the English translation a Polish translation) you can replace the English value by the Polish one.

If you have other questions about modding you can ask them on the DoTE forums ( https://www.games2gether.com/dungeon-of-the-endless/forums  ).

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