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"Domestic cuisine of countries" in Humankind


5 years ago
Sep 27, 2019, 8:09:15 PM


I got the idea (if this idea appeared not only me – don't blame me) related to political ideologies, and other things that related with this idea.

Apologies in advance for my writing skills. And also, for broken English, as I translated through a translator. Just in case, I will leave the original document below (in Russian). Also, the author may confuse the concept, or combine different (ideology is partially equivalent to the mode/form of government of the state, but I need one word that reflects all that), because the author is not an expert in these areas.

So, everyone knows that for a long time, as our world developed, ideologies appeared in it. In General, to begin with, what is ideology? "Ideology is a set of system-ordered views that Express the interests of different social classes…”

In the implementation of one of them, there were some changes in society, ranging from several reforms, ending with the revolution, for example: the October revolution and the Civil war in Russia, when the “Imperial” state building, moved to the “socialist”. At the same time, ideology itself influenced the internal political Affairs of the state (for example, some decisions depended on religion (by the way, religion and ideology are often connected)).

How can this be implemented in the game. In General, such mechanics can be made indirectly dependent on the player. That is, as a result of his actions and only partially-the player can choose the direction of development.

First, the “ideologies” themselves (as the main directions) can be added to the research tree. If it will be like in EL, they must be distributed to zones. At the same time, the opening of the era does not mean the possibility of opening the “direction of ideology”. For example, socialism was born during the period of General industrialization (when the difference between the bourgeoisie and the working class was great and the bourgeoisie was not very responsive to the working class (subjectivism, but I hope I will be understood)), so for socialism, for example, you need to explore the machines and build the appropriate conditions.

Second “the very "ideology" can be learn, as a separate branch research, with its development.

Illustrate. After studying the direction, you can start the screen and see further options for the development of your “ideology”. It is possible to investigate a certain branch and introduce it into society.

And it is possible to fulfill the appropriate conditions and the ideology itself will be investigated and introduced into society with less rejection (discontent). After all, it is one thing when the same socialism (as an example) is “pushed from above”, and another when from the people (they guessed it, they themselves carried it, it caught on).

Naturally, ideology has certain properties: pros, cons and special actions. The pros and cons are the corresponding modifiers of the economy, and the special actions are the actions (tautology) that can be performed only under this ideology. For example, the introduction of a planned economy-the state increases production, but loses in food and mood.

Also, do not forget that a sharp transition from one ideology to another will lead to various “fun” consequences (such as bad mood of the population, hunger, instability of the political system, etc.).

In conclusion, I want to say that, firstly, this idea needs to be finalized, so I am happy to read constructive proposals. Secondly, it is not a fact that this idea will find support at all. Third, the idea itself is large, cumbersome and relatively difficult to implement, but if at least some of it will be implemented, it will be very good, as it will allow you to try new mechanics, and expand the functionality of the “human sandbox”, which will increase replayability.

Original: Всем привет.docx

Updated 18 days ago.
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5 years ago
Oct 9, 2019, 12:39:01 PM

Only now observed, that such a theme already there is on forum.

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